EMS agency not paying up, need some advice

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About six months ago I left my full time job w/ RM ambo and moved to a different state. I have a new full time job but wanted to do some EMS on the side to keep my skills fresh, so I got hired on with an agency that takes on the EMS contracts for private events and hires PT EMTs as independent contractors to cover them. At my interview (and I think during my orientation), I was told we were paid out at the end of each month.

I covered one event several months ago, had no incidents, no issues, etc. Returned the equipment after the event, turned in my documentation, logged in to their timekeeping software to log my hours and that as that. Two months after said event, no money. I called the field supervisor I had reported to for my event (event was in Oct, I called around Christmas) to inquire because cash was quite tight and was told that they were waiting for some of their contracts to pay out and that they didn't know when they'd catch up with payroll. Time passed, I heard nothing more. I wrote an e-mail to the chief of operations earlier this week explaining I'd already called my field supervisor and had gotten no where. He hasn't responded, though he's sent out bulletins from the same e-mail address so it's likely he saw my message.

I'm pretty angry about this. It's like a measly 100 bucks (I've only worked one event for them) but even 100 bucks can make a big difference when you're struggling to cover bills. I get that money is tight all around, but I feel like the lack of communication when money is owed for services rendered is really unacceptable. I know if I were a regular employee I'd have a case on my hands to take to the Dept of Labor, but as an independent contractor I have no clue how the law applies (or doesn't).

Any one have any experience with this sort of situation? I could use some advice. Thanks.
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SMall claims court, bring your docs. Good luck.
So, independent contractors have no leg to stand on in terms of taking these sorts of disputes to the dept. of labor?
So, independent contractors have no leg to stand on in terms of taking these sorts of disputes to the dept. of labor?

Contractors can be notoriously shady.

Consider it a loss and lesson learned. Don't work for them.
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