Emergency services see red over traffic tickets

I would say most minor violations despite how they are given are revenue generators. Of course a RLC doesn't need brakes vacations, a salary or benefits.
I worked for a Wisconsin police deprtament, getting my LE degree right now, and am in EMT School. Very, very, very often the police are going 5-10 over the limit on routine driving - just like most civilian drivers. If we have a priority, we go fast. As Fire, EMS, and Police are all a part of Emergency Response, we should work together. That being said, a administrative action should be done if state policies are violated, a ticket if a major safety violation occurrs, but otherwise, we're all doing what needs to be done.

If only the EMS had legal powers (dream bubbles....): Ah yes, a cop is in a HSP (high-speed pursuit) and gets out with adren-o pumping, sky high BP and heart rate, and the EMS show up and ticket him for working in an physiologically danagerous manner. Who knows, he might have beaten the guy up. Lucky for the cop the EMS was there to prevent it.