Main point: It is what is between your ears, not what is placed in your ears, that one should consider when purchasing a stethoscope.
Electronic stethoscope is an excellent auscultating device for those that actually can utilize it to the full extent. Anyone that cannot detect or understand split S1, S2, crescendo, hollow systolic murmors, etc.. should not even consider purchasing one, other than they want to be "special".
Seriously, why purchase a $300 - $800 device, just to take blood pressures and listen to lung sounds? If one can not detect adventatious sounds, without an amplified stethoscope, chances are they cannot with one.
Since they are electronic, ambient noise can be expected similar to a doppler. If one is choosing an electonic device due to hard of hearing, then I suggest investigating one, or looking at those with head set type, so noise can be reduced. Yes, usually more expensive type of stethoscopes provide a less noise reduction, but again one need to weigh the need and use of what they will be utilizing it for.
R/r 911