ED Rotation 'uniforms'


Forum Asst. Chief
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We're having our ED rotations pretty soon. I've been looking for the required 'uniform' so to speak and can't really find anything. I need black or navy blue slacks and a white polo shirt with nice shoes (That aren't dress shoes, sneakers or so on). Ok the shoes I can handle. But slacks for women that I keep finding in those colors are super dressy or tight/inappropriate. And I can't seem to find a white polo shirt with no kind of designs on them anywhere. Any stores you can recommend?
We're having our ED rotations pretty soon. I've been looking for the required 'uniform' so to speak and can't really find anything. I need black or navy blue slacks and a white polo shirt with nice shoes (That aren't dress shoes, sneakers or so on). Ok the shoes I can handle. But slacks for women that I keep finding in those colors are super dressy or tight/inappropriate. And I can't seem to find a white polo shirt with no kind of designs on them anywhere. Any stores you can recommend?

Walmart. Shop in the mens section.
Walmart. Shop in the mens section.

Exactly what I was about to suggest! Great minds...

As for the pants check out Galls. However, before you drop that kind of money on pants, check around and see what the services you're interested in working at require. Otherwise just find some cheap, yet nice, ones somewhere local. I suggested Galls because they carry EMS pants made for women.
Walmart. Shop in the mens section.

Exactly what I was about to suggest! Great minds...

As for the pants check out Galls. However, before you drop that kind of money on pants, check around and see what the services you're interested in working at require. Otherwise just find some cheap, yet nice, ones somewhere local. I suggested Galls because they carry EMS pants made for women.

I'm going to have to find a walmart. Thanks guys! :)
If you can't find pants, can you guys wear scrubs? I mean there is inapproriate tight and just snug. I've seen plenty of female nurses and other female EMT's with snug pants but I never thought that it was inappriopriate tight.
If you can't find pants, can you guys wear scrubs? I mean there is inapproriate tight and just snug. I've seen plenty of female nurses and other female EMT's with snug pants but I never thought that it was inappriopriate tight.

We're not allowed to wear scrubs. We're not staff. All the pants that I'm finding are entirely too form fitting. I dont want to make that kind of a statement for myself.
Docker's makes "casual" slacks. Course, I can't wear them, they don't believe a 2 Short exists (never mind, I'm standing right in front of them!)
5.11 station pants... comfortable yet durable and dressy
Docker's makes "casual" slacks. Course, I can't wear them, they don't believe a 2 Short exists (never mind, I'm standing right in front of them!)

:lol: I'm not that small, but I have difficultly finding a ten that isn't cut and tugged in all the wrong ways for all the wrong parts. I don't really care about my butt looking good in the ED. :lol:

5.11 station pants... comfortable yet durable and dressy

Thanks! Will look into those. :)

Oh. That leads me into another question.
Can we wear belts? I have to wear them or my pants slip off my hips. Is wearing a belt going to be an issue?
Oh. That leads me into another question.
Can we wear belts? I have to wear them or my pants slip off my hips. Is wearing a belt going to be an issue?

Shouldn't, just don't go wearing your Batman Utility BElt to the ER. <_<
Check the thrift stores.
Went back to target because my friend told me she spyed white polos there.
Got my slacks and shirt there. Got my boots at Big 5 half off. I was quite pleased. ^_^