South Australian Ambulance Service
Some old stats (from the 2005-06 annual report), but we cover an area of approximately 984,377 square kilometres (380,070 sq miles), with 111 stations, 74 of which are volunteer stations.
In 2005-06 we attended 213,844 cases – an increase of 6% on 2004-05 – of which 163,000 were attended by the Emergency Ambulance Service and 51,000 by SAAS’s Ambulance Transport Service (ATS).
As well as being a Paramedic degree student at Flinders University, I also work full time as a Call Taker in our State Communications Centre.
We answered 379,906 inbound calls in 2005-06 – a 13% increase on the previous year. Of these, 119,130 were triple zero (000*) calls, representing a 9% increase on 2004-05 figures.
We have multiple levels of Ambulance Officer/Paramedics, ranging from our ATS Ambulance Officers and Volunteer Ambulance Officers, through to Paramedic, Intensive Care Paramedic and Rescue Paramedic.
*000 = 911