Does your department have a web site?

Please visit ArkansasEMS! This is a new discussion forum for Arkansas EMS Providers to disscuss Arkansas EMS and Truama Systems, this was just put online this afternoon so please if you dont mind, if you are an EMT and have ties to Arkansas please join. And feel free to start topics to generate disscussion.

I'm just learning HTML, I'm not using any of the web page building templates offered by my service provider, but for now I am using the free space they offer to publish. My chief is considering getting our own domain, which would be nice. The site I have put together is rudimentary compared to most of the one's I have seen. I'm just learning, give me time. I still have lots of pages to add.....such as one for photos, etc. Any of you who have put sites together, e-mail me with any suggestions, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
First time I ever drove the tanker here in town, going to a brush fire.. Flipped the switch.. for what I thought were the lights...

Opened the rear dump valve. IN THE STATION. :x


To Quote Steven Q. Urkel.. "Did I do that???"
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I finally got around to moving the web site I made for my volunteer department to it's own domain:

Eastern Prairie Fire Protection District

Drop by, visit, critique (there are some browser compatability issues I'm working on) sign the guest book.

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Not only does my department not have a web site, none of the fire departments that we support have web sites either. No one actually sees the need for a web site.
Not only does my department not have a web site, none of the fire departments that we support have web sites either. No one actually sees the need for a web site.
Community outreach?

It aint much but it was put together by a Volly on his spare time. So I think he did a very fine job. His first site matter of fact.

Hello. I am new to this forum. I am from Corpus Christi, Texas. I work for Star of Texas EMS. We are a private transfer company, but we run 911 and all other events. We are constantly on the go. I am also Marketing and a supervisor among other things. This is our website:

I have also added this forum to our website/forum for our EMS personnel to look at. This is a really neat place. I am glad to see a place for EMS personnel to unwind and vent where there is normally not a place.

Amy Koehler
NREMT-B/ Marketing
Star of Texas EMS
Thanks for the add Amy! And welcome to the forum.