Hi, I'm new to this site and I had a terrible thing happen today. I was on my way home on a train and the train operator announced over the loud speaker that there was a medical emergency and the train will be stopping. I'm an EMT-B, fresh out of EMT school and I knew I could help. I got off my train and looked for the pt. and I found her sitting on the escalator, there were two other train operators around her. She was a 77 y/o female that had fallen down the escalator at another station and took a train to the station that we were currently at. She had some abrasions on her hands and ecchymosis around one side of her face. I introduced myself and provided my identification as an EMT when asked by one of the operators and began assessing her. At first, I suspected a CVA so, I attempted to perform the Cincinnati Stroke Scale, but she didn't completely comply. She didn't want to set her bag down so, when she squeezed my finger, it was only with one hand so, I asked her politely to set her bag down and she didn't. She seemed a little confused and she was a little aggressive and wanted to go home. She also didn't remember falling. She didn't have a history of epilepsy, but I strongly suspected that she had a seizure. Anyways, by the time we got to the top of the escalator, she really didn't want to deal with me. She said that I was a terrible EMT and if she were my boss, I'd be fired and I barely had the chance to do anything. I checked her pulse, asked her about the fall and barely got through the SAMPLE history.Then the train operator said "We (referring to him and the other train operator) can take it from here. I deal with this type of stuff a lot, but thank you very much." The other operator thanked me too and I felt like CRAP. I still feel like crap and I can't stop thinking about what happened. Does this make me a bad EMT?