documenting a critical call

So your iphone is not in either hand, you can just reach to tap or shake it?

Does it give some sort of audibile tone so you can tell it was activated without looking at it?

I can push a button or just shake it to mark the time. I keep it beside the life pak.
I think as a newbie, I should be able to do everything analog, then once I am up and running use the tech to save time and effort.

So for now, I will go with writing on glove or tape.

Thank you all.
I used to put a couple strips of tape on my leg and I'd use a notebook. While on scene, I used the notebook. I would put name, age/dob and other scene info on it. during transport, notes are written on the leg tape. The busier I am, the less I write on the PCR en-route. Of course, I also have a format that I follow for writing my PCRs so all I have to do is plug in the info where necessary... this makes the actual writing process MUCH easier.