Do you donate regularly?

Wait. They give you MONEY for your plasma? As in cold hard cash?


I think I should make more trips to the States. ;)

Yeeessss siiiir.
Also the principles of the red cross don't jive with me. A couple of my friends are gay and can't donate even if they wanted to...that pisses me off. I'm not sure if it's national or just the red cross but it ain't right.

Here in Canada, the Government stepped in and removed the responsibly for blood services from the Red Cross in the late 90's. There was a whole string of blatant problems, including that the Red Cross had knowingly supplied tainted blood products, and that 95 percent of hemophiliacs who used blood products supplied by the Red Cross before 1990 had contracted Hepatitis C. Criminal charges were eventually dropped in exchange for a $5000 fine and a 1.5M donation to a university.

Now there is one national agency that supplies blood, blood products, marrow and stem cell services.
I'm a frequent donor. My hemoglobin tends to be between 15.5 and 18.5 g/dL (high for a female), so I give to make sure it won't get too high. I have a common blood type, so there's plenty who could use the blood. I did nearly pass out last time though. Didn't sleep well the night before, and didn't have a good breakfast first.

Its getting close to time to roll up my sleeve again. Lets see if I will finally be within the normal range for women.
Also the principles of the red cross don't jive with me. A couple of my friends are gay and can't donate even if they wanted to...that pisses me off. I'm not sure if it's national or just the red cross but it ain't right.

It's national. Don't blame the Red Cross, blame the FDA. Given the low level of risk they tolerate for other risk factors (like CJD and the recent deferrals for chronic fatigue syndrome), their case isn't all that bad. It's unfortunate that it coincides with a lot of myths about MSM and HIV and just feels discriminatory.

I don't feel refusing to donate is the right response here.
I used to every 4 months, but since I started traveling to third world countries I cannot.
Since I'm young and (relatively) healthy, I try and donate every 2-3 months and have done so for the past year. I feel that it is a good thing to do working in EMS. I figure I might as well do it as much as I can while I'm still young. I've never had a bad experience (yet), but then again I've only donated 4 times. Also, in regards to the ban on homosexuals donating, it is NOT just a Red Cross policy its a nationwide U.S. policy. Although, there is good news as I just read on CNN the other day that the FDA and government is re-examining their policy and considering a change.