Do sirens 'NEED' to be on while driving code 3?

In Texas the state law says yes. I asked a good friend of mine this whose also a judge.
We get the calls to our supervisors saying we turned the lights and siren on just to go thru an intersection and then turn them off to beat traffic. Our supervisors have to nicely explain what a cancel is.

There are many times when I shut down all lights/sirens until we approach the intersection to clear it. Many times, especially considering I mainly work nights, they provide no advantage at all because there is nobody on the road. There are also just as many times that I shut lights/sirens down when we approach the interection if it is too congested.

Lights and sirens are just a disruption at night time. Dont use them if you really do not need them. I was always tought, if lights are on, so are sirens, but many times I only run lights to move cars but save my ears and other ears.
Depends on your state and company. CA says a forward facing, steady burning red light visible for 1000 feet. However, both private agencies I worked for supersede that with an all or nothing policy. Be careful, if you work for one of these companies and decide that the noise is unnecessary at 2a.m., be sure first if your rig is equipped with GPS or one of the other systems that telemeter your rig info in real time to dispatch before you run bright and quiet. You could wind up explaining yourself to a field sup.
PA requires all Fire Departments to respond with lights and siren on all calls except a service call (i.e. tree limb down, flooded basement, etc.) for EMS though they have it broken down in to E1 (Priority call lights and sirens), E2 (rapid response needed, can use lights and siren to clear intersections) E3 non emergent call but medical assistance is needed. Some counties also have an E0 for Cardiac arrest or massive uncontrolled bleeding, guess that means go really fast?!? :glare: QRS at the fire departments follows the EMS regulations for medical calls and Fire for fire related calls.
Here in the Northwest Territories the Motor Vehicle Act specifies both lights and siren to be activated when driving priority 1 or code 3.