Do all Paramedics Think they know all???

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Forum Lieutenant
Yes, assessment is a basic SKILL. Again, anybody can be trained to perform a skill. But to utilize a critical thought process and identify potential differential diagnosis' along with creating an optimal treatment plan is an action that few EMT-B's have the ability to do. 120 hours of an advanced first aid class is not nearly sufficient to instill that quality...............

He doesn't mean that you can replace a paramedic with an EMT. What he means is, at least in Virginia, EMT's are the backbone of EMS. VA is a mostly volunteer state when it comes to EMS. Without our EMT's you could call 911 all day and more than likely your not going to get an ambulance, at least in most of the rural areas. So there is no need to belittle EMT's. Yes, having all paramedics would be great, but in our part of the world, unrealistic expectations. Here are the facts for the state of Virginia.
2006 EMS Provider Statistics
As of the Beginning of:

Total of 33,598 providers. Broken down by certification.
First Responder 1,412
EMT-B 23,780
Enhanced 1,690
Intermediate 2,325
Paramedic 3,533

And of those 3,533; I dare not say that 90% of those are in the 5 large metropolitan areas. That leaves the vast majority of the state with a handfull of paramedics and bunch of EMT's. So you can say what you would like about EMT's but we could not function without them.


Forum Captain
Thank you Fedmedic for breaking that down for us. Well said. ;-)


Forum Crew Member
I never act like I know everything. I am always trying to learn more. If I ever take a pt and am not completely familiar with one of the diagnoses, I look it up online. My motto is, the day I think I know everything is the day I need to get out of EMS because I am fixing to screw up royally. I think the best people out there, no matter what the certification is, are the ones that keep trying to better themselves. We will never know it all, there is always something new being discovered everyday whether it is a new treatment or medication. We must always be ready to learn new things or a new way to do old things.


Forum Probie
Ridryder, I only have one question. How do you and your ego fit in your house. Have you even noticed that only one person on this board lists all there merit badges? You say "I will take education over experience anyday" Question. You have a brain anuerism Surgeon #1 had mediocre training but has performed successful surgeories. Surgeon #2 has the best education, but has never held a scapel without big brother over his shoulder, who you pickin? Give me a good BLS partner over a crappy ALS partner anyday.


Forum Probie
RidRyder posted all his merit badges, I'll post the one's I have that matter the most.....6c and LEOSA.


Forum Lieutenant
RidRyder posted all his merit badges, I'll post the one's I have that matter the most.....6c and LEOSA.

D@mn skippy, those are my merit badges that I want to talk about...6C and LEOSA.


Forum Probie
and if you don't know what LEOSA or 6c retirement is just google it, you'll find out why it's so important.


Forum Probie
Ridryder, I only have one question. How do you and your ego fit in your house. Have you even noticed that only one person on this board lists all there merit badges? You say "I will take education over experience anyday" Question. You have a brain anuerism Surgeon #1 had mediocre training but has performed successful surgeories. Surgeon #2 has the best education, but has never held a scapel without big brother over his shoulder, who you pickin? Give me a good BLS partner over a crappy ALS partner anyday.

There's nothing wrong with a little pride in who you are and what you've done. So that's a little out of line. Being confident doesn't equate to a having a big ego either. If you read the posts by Ridryder all over these forums he hardly comes off as egocentric.

For you non Paramedics out there: I think if you further your education you'll see just how limited the basic EMT level courses are. I attended what was, at the time (1982), one of the better EMT courses around. I thought I was prepared well for the job and went to work for a high volume urban provider. I quickly understood I knew not nearly enough, and after 6 months went on to a Paramedic program, after which I looked back and understood just how little I knew.

So no, not all Paramedics are gods, and some are downright pitiful. But education is the key, along with good experience and the common sense to do what's right without getting carried away.


Critical Crazy
Ridryder, I only have one question. How do you and your ego fit in your house.

ridryder has been nothing but a positive contributor to this board. he is no egotist. his posts are educational, insightful, and helpful.

what have you done for this community? maybe if you paid attention long enough before shooting off your mouth, you'd have known that your statement is barely worthy dignifying with a counterpost

ps. ridryder mentions his medical qualifications... but you say that is chestbeating... so then why are you using jargon to brag about being a retired LEO then telling everyone to go look up your terms? are you too good to explain it? most of all, why should we really care?

ou remind me of someone from another ems forum i no longer frequent. i do frequent a ski forum. we have a term there for n00bs who pop in and spout off stupid **** without thought... the term is JONG. I will explain it. JackOff Newbie Gaper.

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EMS Guru
and if you don't know what LEOSA or 6c retirement is just google it, you'll find out why it's so important.

So "old Barney's" can carry a weapon. Hell, anyone that passes a 2 week class here can do that. What does a "gun club" have to do with EMS?

You know, I worked as a tactical medic in a Police EMS fortunately they required their Officer Medics to have at least a B.S. degree to apply. This definitely, cut down the majority of "Barney Fife's" mentality.

DT4EMS is outstanding demonstration of what medical and LEO can do and go hand in hand in raising pertinent EMS and LEO education levels. He is a contributing member of EMS at multiple state levels and I foresee him at a national level very soon. I wished we had more like him.

If you were educated, you would realize posting titles is appropriate. As well, I have found out those that complain are the ones that could never and never will be able to even qualify to be eligible to take medical board examinations levels. So when and if you ever receive a true medical education (hint.. not a training seminar of a couple nighttime classes) and pass those boards, then come back and I.M. me..

Amazing, how having an education level threatens others.. when we should all be supporting it, for the good of our patients, profession and yes ourselves. So much different on other EMS forums, and other medical forum sites, that promote & recognizes education.

R/r 911


Forum Lieutenant
I hate to say it, but you're barking up the wrong tree this time. I have worked with Prizenmedik for 15 years, probably the best medic I have ever worked with, and there are several others on this board that can verify this. And as far as education, don't get me started there. He has just as many alphabet titles as you or anyone else on this board, yeah he is a CCP as well. He also has a degree in something to do with computers, he did that before EMS, he got into EMS because it was boring. Haven't seen him take anything he didn't ace yet. Entrance test would not be a problem for him. We were actually going to do a paramedic to BSN bridge program this January, but we decided against it because we already make more than most BSN RN's. He was just making an observation about several comments regarding your take on BLS providers. But believe me, if your half the medic he is, then I'd give you the respect I give him. I'm not saying you're not, it's just that I know him and have been through deep shi* with him and I haven't with you.


Devil's Advocate
I know that I don't know it all, but I do know a lot, and I learned it from both education and experience. I learn something new every day, either at work, or on here reading the posts of some people who have been doing this longer than me. I have been doing this 13+ years now. I have no problem with BLS providers unless they don't know their job. If I am working with someone who knows what they are doing and demonstrates an understand of things then I let them perform to the extent of the certification. If they show me they don't know their arm from an extension set then they get to carry the bag, fetch the stretcher, and take the basic vital signs, and I will double check them in the truck just to be sure they can do that. If you are jam up, and show me this with aggresive approches to patient care, when the time comes I will let them have first shot at a tube or putting a line in a patient. However, ALL drugs and monitoring here is STRICTLY an ALS skill. I know basic and intermediates who can read and EKG as well as I can, after all I began to learn about EKG interpretations when I was an EMT-I. That is why I say I learned from classroom as well as field experience. For 4 years I worked for a rescue squad and was just an "I", but I was the only person with a card on the truck. I have treated some really sick people. Recognizing that they were really sick was the key though...recognize, and treat them enroute. The ER was 10 minutes away then, and meeting ALS was futile when we would meet 3 blocks from the ER. Where I work now we have a medic on every truck. We would like to have 2 on every truck, but we have a medic shortage in our area. I have no problem with this, and providing that my partner shows me they have a brain and the ability to use it I let them utilize their skills, and I stand back and gather in the needed info to determine what is going on with my patients. But like Rid said, education is key to this job...but experience does count for something.


Critical Crazy
I hate to say it, but you're barking up the wrong tree this time. I have worked with Prizenmedik for 15 years, probably the best medic I have ever worked with, and there are several ... I know him and have been through deep shi* with him and I haven't with you.

And exactly what tree is prizonmedik barking up??? You said you don't know ridryder. What a realization... too bad prozonmedik didn't make that realization. So only a gungho jackoff would, unprovoked, whip out attacks and accusations against one of the highest educated, most experienced, most respected members of this community without ANY understanding of the person or his contributions.

So once again to prizonmedik, way to make an entrance. STFU JONG. Lurk, learn, understand, THEN start shooting your mouth off if you still feel it necessary. That's the way the internet works.
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Forum Captain
So once again to prizonmedik, way to make an entrance. STFU JONG. Lurk, learn, understand, THEN start shooting your mouth off if you still feel it necessary. That's the way the internet works.

So how many calls have you ran with Mr. Ridryder. Looks to me like you need to STFU.


Devil's Advocate
Geez, this is turning into a really nasty little's the holidays, can't we all just get along!


Critical Crazy
So how many calls have you ran with Mr. Ridryder.

None. But I've read enough of his posts on this forum (and others) to know he is a very positive member of this community. I know this because I've been a part of this community for nearly 2 years. I'm one of the top 30 contributors (of over 1000). So is Ridryder.

Prisonmedic joined the forum yesterday and has a wonderfull total of 3 posts here... all in this thread... none of them positive.

Jeepmedic... you post 8 times per day. You are a prolific poster. Good for you. Welcome.

But remember, you, fedmedic, and prisonmedic have not even been here for 8 days, 3 days, and 1 day respectively.

It would do you well to learn about this place before attacking its upstanding members.
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Forum Captain
I still say no I don't know everything but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

As far as education VS. experience I have worked with RNs, MSNs, PAs, Medics, EMT-Bs, FRs, and folks that never wanted to go take a class that have been driving fire trucks for 30 years. It takes education and experience to make a good provider. If I had a choice for a partner I would take experience with little education over someone who has an education with little experience. Just as I would rather have a PA or NP work on me than a Dr.


Forum Captain
None. But I've read enough of his posts on this forum (and others) to know he is a very positive member of this community. I know this because I've been a part of this community for nearly 2 years. I'm one of the top 30 contributors (of over 1000). So is Ridryder.

Prisonmedic joined the forum yesterday and has a wonderfull total of 3 posts here... all in this thread... none of them positive.

Jeepmedic... you post 8 times per day. You are a prolific poster. Good for you. Welcome.

But remember, you, fedmedic, and prisonmedic have not even been here for 8 days, 3 days, and 1 day respectively.

It would do you well to learn about this place before attacking its upstanding members.

I have not attacked anyone YET. If you would like I can start.


Forum Lieutenant
None. But I've read enough of his posts on this forum (and others) to know he is a very positive member of this community. I know this because I've been a part of this community for nearly 2 years. I'm one of the top 30 contributors (of over 1000). So is Ridryder.

Prisonmedic joined the forum yesterday and has a wonderfull total of 3 posts here... all in this thread... none of them positive.

Jeepmedic... you post 8 times per day. You are a prolific poster. Good for you. Welcome.

But remember, you, fedmedic, and prisonmedic have not even been here for 8 days, 3 days, and 1 day respectively.

It would do you well to learn about this place before attacking its upstanding members.

You're right, I have only been on this forum for a couple of days. But I am a 15 year paramedic, therefore, I have enough experience dealing with all types and levels of providers to make an informed opinion based on what I have read in these postings. I'm like an umpire, "call it like I see it", if anyone on this forum is that thin skinned that they can't take criticism then they are in the wrong career. To be a decent provider you have to be able to swim with the sharks, and believe me, I have earned my fins. And when I see someone belittling another's level of training just because they have more training, then, yes, I am going to tell you about it, whether you want to hear it or not. I've earned that right.


Forum Lieutenant
And by the way, I may be new to this forum, but I'm no forum rookie either. Go to, and and you'll find my post everywhere. And they're normally very civil, but if you go attacking me or my friends for making simple observations based on what we read, then this shouldn't be an open forum, it should be a forum for you and everyone else that has the same opinion as you and believes as you do. Of course, it would be a little narrow minded since everyone has the same opinion but at least you would be happy and not get up in your feelings.
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