DNI Question

What you say is true Rid, but not all of the DNRs or DNIs are going to die here and now. If they are fluid overloaded, have a fever, get PNA or they are in pain, they deserve to be treated if death is not in the immediate future.

Some 20 - 35 y/os make their DNR status known on the first day they are dx'd with CA or HIV. Does that mean we stop treatment on them? No, it just means we will not do anything heroic once their heart stops. We also have children that have made their DNR status known at a very young age but we will continue to treat until they are placed on comfort care. The same with the adults. We will continue to treat the fluid overload induced CHF or fever until the comfort care orders are in place. No one deserves to be thought of as a "Do nothing" DNR pt.

I know you have seen the suffering that a DNR order has also brought patients. That is not the intent of that order but too often the continued needs of these patients are ignored once the order is signed. Physicians will continue to be reluctant to push for DNRs due to the "Do Not Treat" mentality at both the hospital and EMS level. The physicians will continue to see that their patients are treated and the same standard of care is provided until the end is near. Once a patient is close to dying the next level of Comfort Care should be instituted to ensure the patient dies as comfortably as possible and not gasping for breath while in pain at the end of the hall. There are few things sadder than to hear "just a DNR" from an EMS crew at the ED triage area. It seems like to some, once the DNR order exists the patient ceases to exist. Our elderly and terminally ill deserve better.

I definitely hate to see an elderly patient on a ventilator. Unfortunately, it is often inevitable in some nursing home patients without a DNR status due to that fever that is sepsis but the transfer took longer to arrange than planned. 911 could have been called for a quicker response but then the nurses at the nursing home, trying to do the right thing, will get the Paramedics ticked off because it is just a "fever". I'm not saying that all patients with a fever will get a ventilator but many do.
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I believe you misinterpreted my point (maybe I misrepresented it). Yes, perform as much as necessary to prevent resuscitative efforts, but if the patient is in end terminal illness and death is imminent no resuscitation measures should be made after an arrest has occurred. This was my point .. of the best care is no care.. Not that we should ever withhold or change our role if the patient has a DNR.

Again as you and I have discussed numerous times and other forums, the need of increased educational level rather than skill performance.

R/r 911
Again as you and I have discussed numerous times and other forums, the need of increased educational level rather than skill performance.

R/r 911

BTW, it is your turn to bat on the other forum on the education thread.
Believe me though I work my but off until the proverbial fat lady starts to sing.
I give everyone a fair chance.. an all or nothing approach. Now, with this I will NOT exhaust myself on an arrest or allow my personal to do so either. Cardiac arrest are futile, if the patient has not responded to pharmacological therapy by the second round, they will not respond and again it is futile. This is why most progressive EMS now advocate field termination that do not have a ROSC.

I have found that most that obtain experience will soon find out that we are much more in the preventative business than really treating and curing anything. Not to be pessimistic but again, we only can postpone death.. never really defeating it. That is only to sell T-shirts to whackers and those with unrealistic expectations.

R/r 911
Believe me though I work my but off until the proverbial fat lady starts to sing.

Does the Fat Lady have a POLST? Can the Fat Lady sing while intubated? Is the Fat Lady allowed food prior to singing, is food witheld but water offered? Is the Fat Lady singing or screaming in pain? Who determines the point where singing has deteriorated and is only moaning?
Does the Fat Lady have a POLST? Can the Fat Lady sing while intubated? Is the Fat Lady allowed food prior to singing, is food witheld but water offered? Is the Fat Lady singing or screaming in pain? Who determines the point where singing has deteriorated and is only moaning?
when i see asytole on the monitor...for DNR patients anyways. like said i still have yet to encounter a DNI.
I had an arrest at a rehab facility not long ago - the patient had a "modified code blue". It was the first time I had come across one of these - it basically specified in the event of an arrest - she wanted everything done with the exception of being intubated. It didn't make a lot of sense to me - if you don't want your airway secured in an arrest - why not just have a DNR? It ultimately resulted in death.
Maybe if they do survive they don't want to be on a vent?
DNR song

Here's a song that pretty much sums up Rid's posts. I definitely agree with death with dignity but as the song also mentions, Comfort Care orders also need to be in place. Too many DNR patients in nursing homes and on med-surg floors only have tylenol ordered for pain and usually the order only specifies increased temperature as the indication. Some physicians are hesitant to order the Comfort Care order set and if the RNs do not work with those meds frequently, they also may be overly cautious about giving them in the elderly population. Hospice can definitely be a great plan of care if it can be carried out by experienced Hospice RNs.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Sung to Rockstar by Nickelback
