In response to the initial post. Why if you were transporting a patient to a SNF and did have the DNR in hand and the patient started going downhill enroute, then why did you not divert to a the most accessible receiving facility/ER and instead took the patient back to a SNF? If a patient is deteriorating while being transported and you do not have a do not hospitalize order in hand, then the patient needs to go to an ER and not SNF.
I am a major advocate for patient's rights and DNRs but transporting a patient that is deteriorating back to a SNF in hopes of consulting with the nurse there or finding a DNR sounds like bad patient care to me.
This patient is in her late 90's and not completly with it to begin with. If you try to say anything to her all you get is a hi and thats it. Also many PT's I transport are normally weak after Diaylsis and her vital signs were all fine. On this day she wasn't responding verbally but reconized I was talking to her.
I wasn't insinuating she was crashing rapidly but that she wasn't herself this particular day. I asked to nurse if she wanted us to transport to the E.R. because she seemed overly concerned.