DMV employment


Use to be "that private" now I'm "that specialist"
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I'm looking to relocate to the DC, Virginia, Maryland area in the next 18months. I will be a paramedic by August. I plan on volunteering in the city I currently located in until I graduate from college in May. I want some place that has a medium volume of calls per shift. I like the city setting and all the variety of calls they bring. I don't mind working for a fire department as long as I'm doing ALS. I also don't mind being dual firefighter/paramedic as long as my primary job is ALS and not suppression. I would like to hear from people that work in these areas and could give me advice on what it's like and what cities would best match what I am looking for. I have heard mixed things about Baltimore and D.C EMS. I was also considering Richmond. Are there any other cities that would be similar to the type of calls and structure as the cities I have already named?
We just hired a guy from DC in our department, and he doesn't have many good things to say about his previous employer. That's all I know about DC.

As far as Richmond goes, it's a medium sized city with its good parts and bad parts. The ambulance authority uses system status management, and as long as my partner is decent it works fine. Expect to run 8-10 calls in a 12 hour shift (sometimes more and sometimes less), and the protocols are ok. You can expect a few tubes a month, and just like any urban area there are shootings just about every day, not so many of those end in death though. The OMD is very involved in the organization, and there is usually some sort of trial or study going on. They have an excellent reputation, and the equipment is getting better and better. Just like any job, you get out of it what you put into it. If you slack off and don't meet your times or look like a mess, you'll hear about it. If you do your job and don't generate complaints (be nice!) you'll do fine. The field preception lasts about 22 shifts I believe (it's changed a lot since I was trained). The hours are ok, and pay is decent. Shift bid is based on performance and seniority, so even though you are a new guy you have a chance to get a decent shift once you get your numbers up.

Sorry so long.

Baltimore might be a good bet if you don't mind playing FF, but being a Medic.

You can always look at the suburban DC counties.
All of the surrounding counties in VA (Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William, Loudoun, etc.) except Alexandria run fire based EMS. You would have to get hired on with the department and go through their fire academy. You would likely work on an ambulance most of the time but you would also be required to do some engine work. No guarantees on your assignment. Most of those counties would want you to go to an engine after the academy to build a solid firefighter foundation.

Alexandria is the only county that has a seperate EMS system. Still part of the FD but you wouldnt be required to go through a fire academy.

All other EMS services are handled by private ambulance companies but they only do IFT's.