distance from home


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Just curious to see how far some of you guys travel to get to work. i am applying to places that are like an hour or more from home. goes to show how much i hate my current job when im willing to take a 4 dollar pay cut and travel. so whats your avg travel distance?
Just curious to see how far some of you guys travel to get to work. i am applying to places that are like an hour or more from home. goes to show how much i hate my current job when im willing to take a 4 dollar pay cut and travel. so whats your avg travel distance?

when I graduated medic school, I got my 1st job in Bakersfield. From door to door was 181 miles, about a 3 hour trip.

Now it's 4 miles.
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.7 miles. :)
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About 30 minutes. In good wx. In 12 inches of snow......who knows.
Depends on the stations I'm assigned to (I'm on swing shift, so I can be placed at any station within my district). The shortest one way commute is 78 km (48 mi) and the longest is 98 km (61 mi). My drive is all on rural highways and city streets and takes between an hour and an hour and a half each way.

I'd live closer, but housing costs where I work are easily 100-200% higher than where I live now, but as a career move my current service is well worth the trip.

I'm currently in the testing process to get on with my local county service part-time. That commute will be 3 km (1.8 mi) to the main base and 30 km (18mi) and 17 km (10 mi) to the two satellite stations.

I know my wife would be a lot happier if I put my time in, got some seniority, snagged a full time spot and switched services, but my current service is so progressive and has so many career track options that I won't get in my much smaller local service. Hence, the LONG drive.
haha wow, so both the medics are within walking distance... the rest of us are stuck with outrageous gas prices... good to know that im not the only one willing to drive that far for crappy pay. i wish i could find something within .7 miles haha.

just out of curiosity, what am i to expect with an IFT job? no code 3 i imagine? want a 911 job but seems like you need experiance to be considered.
haha wow, so both the medics are within walking distance... the rest of us are stuck with outrageous gas prices... good to know that im not the only one willing to drive that far for crappy pay. i wish i could find something within .7 miles haha.

just out of curiosity, what am i to expect with an IFT job? no code 3 i imagine? want a 911 job but seems like you need experiance to be considered.
As for code 3, some IFT services do run emergent around here, some don't. Just depends.
As for how far I drive to work, for my industrial EMS job, it is 43.3 miles from my front door to the guard shack, and takes 51 minutes in good weather when I drive my Dodge, an hour and four minutes when I drive the little bitty gas saving truck. To my 911 job, I live 39.7 miles to the closest station, and if I am at that station, it takes me 57 minutes in the dodge, and an hour and eleven minutes in the rust-bucket. To explain the disparity, I have to drive off a mountain either way, but to go to the 911 job, I have to drive up another one...
I drive about 20 miles one way. It takes me about 30 minutes with "normal" morning traffic, and can take double that in heavy rush hour traffic.
When I was first hired 9 yrs ago I took a full time job with benefits 160km (100mi), away, a solid 2 hr drive. We worked 2x24hr shifts /wk. Within two years I was able to transfer home and now live 7km (4mi) away, about a 12min drive. I know many medics who travel 35 - 60 min to work for a 12 hr shift.
99 miles one way to my normal station doing 911 on 24hr shifts. 1:30-1:45 hour drive each way.

When I did IFT, I drove 1-1.5 hours (depending on traffic) for a 55 mile drive, making less then I make now, for 12 hour shifts.

So I actually drive less and make more now, even though I drive further per shift.
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My job is a little under 12 miles away. For now I'm taking public transit to get there, which takes around 40 minutes. Once I start driving the commute, it should take around 20 minutes.
I am 40 min away from my full time job and 1hr from my part-time gig. The drive doesn't really bother me my hrs are great so the 3 day a week ride isn't bad no real traffic and gives me time to veg...think...sing...and wind down. My old job was 15min away and I always seemed to be still stressed when I got home so I like he drive. I bought a Honda insight hybrid just for the ride to work and spend
$28/week in gas vs my ford excursion V10 at $120 a week in gas. Now I drive my truck once or twice a month and dont miss gas stops

Michael - "Medic One"
FF/Paramedic, EMS-Instructor
Pace / Medical Car Driver Lime Rock Park
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haha wow, so both the medics are within walking distance... the rest of us are stuck with outrageous gas prices... good to know that im not the only one willing to drive that far for crappy pay.

I'm a medic and I make a long drive. But thankfully not for crappy pay. My car's paid off, so for insurance, wear and tear and gas I currently spend about 15% of my net pay on transport each month.

Seems the average at the service I work at is 45 min one way. Not too many medics can afford to live within the region if they want more than a townhouse or condo.