Again, why IV?
1. Do not shoot lido or anything else) into the ear unless it is USP designed for use in the ear and you have an order.
2. My experience is that once you put liquid in the ear the bug drowns and then you have a flaccid bug.
3. Rule of thumb, if you cannot directly and completely visualize the TM, do not instill anything. Preextant or new trauma, surgical perfs, "tubes", can all admit fluid to the inner ear and you just commited a tort.
4. If you were out in the middle of Bjeezis, Nowwhere County, the standard first aid/household remedy is to instill cooking oil (preferably olive oil, it is also available USP), then gently tease the critter out. An otoscope and bayonette forceps work well most of the time, maybe alligator forceps if you have the money. But if you are a pro, you will need SOP's, orders, etc., and with a 12 min ride, why upset the risk benefit ratio by goofing around?
One of the EMS worker's finest qualities is not buying into the excitement, and knowing when to wait or withold is an aspect of that.