Now all Paramedic Programs for NREMT standards managed by CoAEMPS. They have minimum standards for number of skills performed and patient contacts that are required for a paramedic student to complete before they are considered completed for the Program. I do not know what the minimum standard is, I tried looking it up on the CoAEMPS website and could not find it.
The program I went through required over 120 hours of ER Time. 12 Hours of RT, 36 hours in OB, 36 hours of ICU. 12 hours OR, 12 Hours of Med Surg, and 12 hours of Pediatric Floor. In each of these, I was also required so many patient contacts and skills I had to perform. For Example I had to have 2 patient contacts for age under 1 month old. The best place to get those is the OB, but I was able to get 1 in the ER and 1 in my OB rotations, so I completed that requirement. Also once we completed all the Clinical requirements, I than went to my Field internship, I had to do 240 hours and also had to have so many patient contacts in different types like, AMS, Cardiac, Medical, Trauma, Psych, OB, along with them being in certain age groups. On top of that, so many 12 leads, IV, Medication Admins, Intubation, and other skills. With so many Team Leads on the Ambulance, meaning I had to operate as the PIC (Paramedic in Charge).