Did we earn a stork pin?

I've been given a few awards at work. The best award I ever received, however, was a letter from a family after I helped withdraw life support from their loved one. I still have it.

To the OP, the truth is that it doesn't matter what others think. It also doesn't matter that they gave you an award: you helped the patient out, and anything on top of that doesn't matter.
I had a 70 yom who took his vehicle into a pole at approximately (80mph clocked) he had dislodged his trach- the already existing trach and made a new landing spot (new hole) threw the side of his neck.. hmm. Anyway, He became a trauma arrest needless to say!

Now, we did our thing blah blah and blah pulses on arrival and maintained, turned over to ED and 2 weeks later still alive, 3-4-4.5 he dies.

No star of life cause he didn’t make it to the NH .

Moral is, who gives a **** about a pin! Do your job, be safe, make smart choices for you and the pt/ victim. Gratification is the random person that shakes your hand when you were there in there time of need, that’s your pin! Ppl don’t forget a face!