Detroit EMS


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I was wondering if anyone on here works for Detroit EMS?
I recently applied for a job and received a letter to take an exam
next week. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what I should expect or If its worth it.:wacko:
I haven't worked there and am located way down in texas. I would advise you to take a good look at the latest news and information on the system.

Like I said, I am not up there, but the general information coming from that region is that all public services have been hit by the hard economic times, the public is hurting, and they are having to do more work than ever with fewer resources than they need.

Just what I have been seeing.
When I was young and crazy I would take a job like that just for experience.

Now that I am old, experienced, and crazy, the question I want answered is: "what's in it for me?"

If you take such a job, remember the #1 rule of fire departments, always have an escape plan.
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I was wondering if anyone on here works for Detroit EMS?
I recently applied for a job and received a letter to take an exam
next week. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what I should expect or If its worth it.:wacko:

If you want expirence, go work at receiving, or Henry ford main.
Agreed. The experience and "war story" factor is probably second to none. You could work there 10 years and still be "surprised" or "caught off guard" daily.

Sounds like a young mans game indeed!
I am currently working for a private company and not really sure if this is a leap I want to take. At the same time this opportunity doesn't come around often. Not really sure what to do.
I am currently working for a private company and not really sure if this is a leap I want to take. At the same time this opportunity doesn't come around often. Not really sure what to do.

Depending on the private company, I'd say stay where you are.

I work for a private and still get all the cray 911 calls, but with good equipment, calls never go with out a unit to respond, PD is always there to back us up. I work in a fairly dangerous city, but would never go to Detroit based on safety and equipment alone.
Isn't Detroit where the mayor is asking for public donations to fix their rigs?
Isn't Detroit where the mayor is asking for public donations to fix their rigs?

Yup and as of a couple hours ago it was decided that they would get an emergency manager. I think they have 10 days to appeal that.

When Pontiac got an emergency manager. The fire department closed.
Yup and as of a couple hours ago it was decided that they would get an emergency manager. I think they have 10 days to appeal that.

When Pontiac got an emergency manager. The fire department closed.

Yeah... Emergency Managers are not cheap... And it's no secret that Detroit isn't the wealthiest city around :unsure:
Ya the whole city is a mess.
How do you close the fire department?

They voted and got rid of the union. And the next day The fire department closed and the neighboring city (waterford) hired a majority of the Pontiac guys and took over fire services.

My company (a private) stepped in, and took over the EMS side of things. Pontiac doesn't pay us, we get paid for services that we will bill for.

Pontiac pays Waterford 1million a year for fire services.
They voted and got rid of the union. And the next day The fire department closed and the neighboring city (waterford) hired a majority of the Pontiac guys and took over fire services.

My company (a private) stepped in, and took over the EMS side of things. Pontiac doesn't pay us, we get paid for services that we will bill for.

Pontiac pays Waterford 1million a year for fire services.

Pfft what a nightmare that was, everyday they would talk about that on the news, now they're talking about every other FD in Michigan.
When I was young and crazy I would take a job like that just for experience.

Unfortunately it could be the wrong experience repeated constantly. Unless you knew you'd get an awesome FTO/partner, constantly seeing "bad" calls will likely only reinforce bad habits.

But yes, I'd sign up merely for the chance to see lots of sick patients and have lots of opportunities to "practice" medicine.
Unfortunately it could be the wrong experience repeated constantly. Unless you knew you'd get an awesome FTO/partner, constantly seeing "bad" calls will likely only reinforce bad habits.

But yes, I'd sign up merely for the chance to see lots of sick patients and have lots of opportunities to "practice" medicine.

I had the experience of being recruited to and working for what is hands down the worst EMS service I have seen anywhere in the entire world.

There were multiple wrong experiences everyday. From abysmal medical care and knowledge to outright reckless disregard for personal and public safety. A good ol boy network (some of whom didn't even work in the agency, but encouraged hazing by those in it of people they didn't like) of rank and file that effectively subverted and dictated to impotent and disconnected management.

I learned many lessons there. Not the lessons they thought they were teaching me. There is much to be gained by seeing how not to do things. Of course, you have to know better first.
I was wondering if anyone on here works for Detroit EMS?
I recently applied for a job and received a letter to take an exam
next week. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what I should expect or If its worth it.:wacko:

You applied for the job, so something in you must want to do it.
Its a mess down there. Detroit is 100 square miles and the number of rigs varies from 18 (more then once) to 32. The guys are great and do a good job but they are stretched thin. Average response times are 20 min + and honestly if i ever had an emergency in the city i wouldn't even bother calling. The residents are learning and we are getting more and more coming in via personal vehicle. The cops dont even wait they scoop and go. That being said it is quite a rush working in detroit i saw things my first week a lot of people wont see in there entire careers. I may or may not work at one of the afeformentioned hospitals and i really enjoy it.
EMS for the third world.....


probably would be a great resume builder, and decent experience.

that being said, you wouldn't pay me to work there. I want to go home after every shift, and I have read about too many horror stories in the news about detroit EMS.