Desperately looking for encouragement


Forum Ride Along
Hello everyone. I'm pretty new to the sight and I haven't posted a "thread" until today. But, I have signed on everyday and read alot of the new posts and I think that this site is way cool:) This is going to be fairly long, but you guys seem very cool, trusting people that could mabe take a little time to here my story and give me some serious advice/encouragement as to where I stand today.

Everybodys' got a story so here's a little of mine... I'm 37, married and have an awesome 2 1/2 year old son, (the husbands' okay:) ) When I was 23 I opened a super hip clothing store called The Underground. The store did great. I was modeling on the side, going back and forth to New York City and making alot of money. I was making all kinds of fake friends and buying them what ever they wanted. All good things come to an end and so did the store. Being to young and not knowing how to save, the store closed w/ in 3 years and I went bankrupt. I told myself that I would do it again one day.

So what was I going to do now. My whole life I had been interested in medicine, i.e. prescription books, family medical books etc. So I thought that maybe I should try pharmacy work. I ended up working as a Pharmacy Tech for 6 years. In the year 2000 I met up with a couple of the only true friends that I had made back in the "Underground" days. They convinced me to open another store.
This store was unbelievable. I received about $80,000. dollars in loans, renovated a 100 year old building and stocked the store with New York's most fashionable "boutique style" clothing lines. I opened the doors July 28, 2001. Then the horror happened... Sept 11, 2001. I stayed glued to the TV and so did everyone else. I had no business for months. I could not pull myself out of debt. Completely devastated I closed only a year and a half later.

What was I going to do now. For about a year I lived off of my awesome Mom and Dad. I greived for the loss of that store and thought of myself as a failure everyday until I found out that I was pregnant. My son was a pure gift from God. My son, I beleive, saved me from the downward spiral that I was on. After my son was about 8 months old I decided it was time to do something with my life. I gave myself 3 choices... go to school to help get certification as a Pharmacy Tech, find a job, or try to open another store (yeah right).

I decided to go to school to get certified as a Pharmacy Tech and then look at the possibility of Pharmacy School. I was very reluctant of the whole pharmacy thing, it is such boring work. The school that I attend had just started a Paramedic Program. I can remember looking at the students and thinking how cool they where for being EMT'S and Paramedic students. I thought to myself I wish I had the guts to be a Paramedic. Then sitting in an English class, on the first day, the instructor was introducing himself and said "I have never done anything in my life that I didn't want to do". Hell, that did it for me, I dropped out of the Pharmacy "boring" Tech program and signed up for the Paramedic program.

Oh my gosh that was about a year ago and here I am as an EMT-B. You guys have no idea how proud of myself that I am right now. I have serious issues right now though. This is where you guys can maybe help with your stories and encouragement. I AM SCARED TO DEATH! I am just getting through the first term of the EMT-Intermediate. I am referred to as the "virgin", because I have never actually laid my hands on sick human being. I ran with a squad last term for 12 hours and that was it. I loved it. I fell so inferior in class now, because everyone in class runs with or volunteers with a squad. This past Saturday in class we were doing scenarios and I lost it. I lost my memory, I get so embarrassed in front of the instructors and the class. I feel like its information overload. I just got kind of use to the way EMT-Bs' do things and now that all changes. Now IV's, cardiac monitors, use of more meds, intubation, etc can be used by I's. I spoke with the director Sat and I told her that it may just be way out of my league. I just don't have the experience. I know I need to run with a squad and hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will be able to. Time and a very sick father are prohibiting me from doing it until next term. But still and yet should I continue the EMT-I and P program? The director thinks I should, she says in a year you will look back and say "what was I thinking". I want this so much. Why am I freaking out so bad???????
I told you guys that this would be a book. I hope you guys were not to bored.
Please Help
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IFT Puppet
where is your class at?

It might be best to take time off, get experience asap and than retake it. Once you have the BLS stuff down re take the medic class.
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Forum Ride Along
where is your class at?

It might be best to take time off, get experience asap and than retake it. Once you have the BLS stuff down re take the medic class.
National Business College in Roanoke,VA
The program is very very new and all the kinks are far from out.


Forum Deputy Chief
Hi Y! It sounds like you have ALOT on your plate, overwhelmed over tired. You spoke about having a parent that is sick also, are you taking care of him also? All I can tell you is this. Family comes first, if you think about the whole big picture, you can always go back to school, and like some of the folks here will tell you EMS will always be here. It is hard to understand the practice and theory when you have never done that job before. But I think you are wise in wanting to get more practical experience. As far as school goes, when you come back to it you have a better heads up on what to expect and all of the required reading that you have done for this class will stick better. I truly believe you have a dream, it is just going to be a bumpy path for a little while till things settle down. Hope this helps :)


Forum Lieutenant
First of all, congratulations on having the intestinal fortitude to pick yourself up-not once, but twice.

I, too have sick parents. I am over halfway into my EMT-I. Having to take care of them is a full time job, in and of itself. Plus having to do ride-alongs and clinicals...well, you get the picture.

Take care of your father first. If you didn't, you would regret it forever. The other training can wait. Work with what you have. When your father gets better, and you recover from the stress of taking care of him, then get the additional training. School will still be there, your father won't.

Take time to de-stress yourself. You are carrying a huge amount of weight on your shoulders, and in the profession we are in, that can exacerbate your feelings. There are resources out there for you. Even if the first step is this board. Vent your feelings here. We are here, and we are our own support group.

Good luck. If you need anything from me, hit me on the PM, ok?



Forum Ride Along
Hi Y! It sounds like you have ALOT on your plate, overwhelmed over tired. You spoke about having a parent that is sick also, are you taking care of him also? All I can tell you is this. Family comes first, if you think about the whole big picture, you can always go back to school, and like some of the folks here will tell you EMS will always be here. It is hard to understand the practice and theory when you have never done that job before. But I think you are wise in wanting to get more practical experience. As far as school goes, when you come back to it you have a better heads up on what to expect and all of the required reading that you have done for this class will stick better. I truly believe you have a dream, it is just going to be a bumpy path for a little while till things settle down. Hope this helps :)
Thank you for responding. My mother and father take care of my son for 3 days so that I can study and go to school. Hes been in and out of the hospital for several weeks and we have been there with him. My husband is working full time and we are struggling. He was shot in the head when he was 17 and can not use his left arm at all. So i would like to start working soon to help with the heavy load that he has. But I can see it may take a little longer.


IFT Puppet
continuing the medic class is only cool if you can compose yourself and catch yourself up. Than you can work as a medic. I sure this would in the end help your family out.


Forum Probie
dont know if this will help but its my story... ask me if i regret it?

i wanted nothing more than to b a paramedic....i started class for emt my mom had been sick for 3 yrs and i was now taking care of her and my grandma but i enrolled anyway...cuz i can handle it right?!!... so anyway i STRUGGLED bad through school...passed by the hair on my chinny chinn chin
through out the year i took the national test 3 times and felled every time with a 69... one question each time... the last time i took the test was in jan

my grandma died 2 weeks after i started class so i just had my mom... dr apts min 3x weekely... but i took my books every where i went even nights in the er and stays in hte hospital

anyway.. my last test in jan... i felled... mom said "dont give up you want it you will get just have alot going on".... mom died in march... now its been a year and my skills have expired... i had to take the whole class over
but then i passed my national on 1st try and did good on it

do i have any regrets? sometimes...i think if i wasn't studing so much and spending so much time with school i would have been spending more "time" with mom... yes i was with her 24/7 but my head was in a book... i regret not more talking
but at the same time she was my rock and the only one that kept me from quitting and thats the rock i need now

i finished emt i and have been able to test since oct.... guess what i have't done?!!

the only thing i can say to you is look inside yourself and go with your heart
youre the only one that nows how much YOU can handle


Forum Deputy Chief
Hi Y! if anything, we are a great set of ears to talk to, you will do the right thing..... -_-


Forum Ride Along
I can relate a similar situation when i went to medic school. I had no prior experience, was 6 months out of emt school (granted this was back in '93), and didnt know crap from apple butter.
I felt inferior to everyone in my class because I was the only one with no ems experience. When the guys would relate calls to class work I did not have any experience to draw from. It did make it more difficult but it also motivated me. I worked harder in class, labs, and clinicals to pick up the skills I lacked.
The point I am trying to make is can do it if your heart is in it. The experience is certainly beneficial, but it is not the single most important thing to make you successful.


EMS Guru
Talk to your instructor one on one, it is much easier to know a little bit of what the student is going through than to make rash decisions. I know if one of my student is going through hard times, I give a little slack & understanding. Not, that I am easier, just more understanding.

Second, try to be as organized as possible in scheduled reading and study times. Once you have the text book understanding, see if you can do some extra lab time for those field items you may be having a difficult time.

Don't worry about being afraid & forgetful. Stress will cause "forgetfulness" and like any other job repetitious will make it easier each time. You should be scared, that is actually good. It will help keep you from making mistakes, and again with time, your confidence will build up on each scenario and call. Not to be demeaning, (albeit our job is important) but this is not a rocket scientist job, and after a while it will become second nature.

If it appears to be too overwhelming, see if you can take an excused leave of absence or incomplete and pick up again later. I agree, take care of your family first... EMS will always be there!

Good luck!

R/r 911


Forum Ride Along
Thank all of you so much! I want to write all of you back. Because there is so much I want to say and talk about. I think that you guys were right about me being able to vent here on this sight. I beleive that it was fate that I found you guys :p :lol: . No for real I do. Just reading the few messages that have been sent back to me has really changed my mood. Hope to read more soon. Gotta go for now, my Dad's getting out of the hospital soon. :)


Forum Probie
all of us on here seem to be able to relate to you. i myself have a similar story but alittle different.

i took the emt course here not once but twice. the first time i took it i failed to tell the school that i had learning disabilities. therefore not getting the help i needed. i did however pass the first 6 out of the 10 classes. i listened to my instructor and pulled out and got tested for my diablities. i picked myself up and reminded myself why i wanted to do this job and re-entered the emt course with a tutor and a reader (someone who reads the test when i don't understand the question) and would you know it with all my sweat and tears i passed with an 89%

but then my mother got sick, i took the right choice instead of getting my dream job i choose to move in with my mom and help her out. i took a job at our biggest mall here as a security officer and would you guess it there are alot of medicals that happen in a mall. so i was keeping my skills up. i then had to do a re-entry course to renew my license, and now i got a great job and my mom is doing so much better.

moral of the story listen to everyone on here about family coming first and talk with you instructors. but most of all listen to your gut instinct ^_^


Forum Captain
"I have never done anything in my life that I didn't want to do".

Hell, that did it for me,

in a year you will look back and say "what was I thinking". I want this so much. Y.

i think all of the advice you've been given thus far has been great. however, i want you to reread these last few quotes and then turn them into your own personal mantra.
just keep going. everything is going to be okay...really.