this one is a loaded statment. Have we ever measured the number of foreign students this country gives free/discounted educations to in total?
Since most universities in the US expect to make money, I would think like all other businesses, they make investments in people they feel will bring money to the university.
The fact they have to look overseas for talent demonstrates either the lack of talent in the US or more probably, the lack of developed talent from the extremely underfunded and ineffective celebration of mediocrity that is primary and secondary education, because US residents seem to think investing in education is not a priority and everyone is equal when it comes to ability.
The trades is why we give outsiders what we cannot (or refuse) to give our own.
I don't understand this statement?
Not only is education up on the free trade market but the educations in healthcare are.
This may come as a surprise, but the healthcare education overseas is equal or better than the US.(but the propaganda says the US is always the best, just like Iran says the same about themselves) However, the institutions abroad cannot afford to "invest" in talent like the US can, because they is less free money. So the spots are much more limited.
There are whole countries without medical schools, who pay for their students to go to schools in other nations. How many attend US schools? Only a handful at best. The limited opportunity and price are removing themselves from the global market.
People come here, get their freebie educations then go back home, very often.
Lol, that made my night. I don't think you understand how education makes a person marketable and portable.
Colleges that offer free education to people hope those people will stay at the college and make money for them. However, once you have a recognized education that is in demand, people compete for your talents. Like sports figures, most want to play for winning teams or those that offer the most.
It is not that American's aren't offered the same opportunities, it is they fail to capitalize on them, becase they don't understand the value. For the last 70 years they haven't had to. They could extort outrageous prices for labor for a lifestyle that is unsustainable without an educated society. The time to pay the piper has come, and the US cannot afford it. So a lot of "middle class" and "well off" who exist beyond there means are being forced to live with what they can sustain. It is not the American dream by any length.
It is not the fault of foreigners that they value education more than who they are going to the prom with, what snookey is doing on TV tonight, etc.
Students in Europe compete to get into the best high schools. How many US students worry about going to the best high school? Do they define the best as who has the best football record?
I won't get started on elected school boards. The uneducated idiots deciding what needs to be taught, like intelligent design or rewriting conservative history to further a politcal agenda.
Fear, misinformation, and wonder, the best population control ever.
Colleges make a buck and we get the bill.
You know of course one of the reasons tuition is so high is because the government support of education is flawed?
Rather than giving money to colleges and forcing them to take students for it, they give it to them and demand almost nothing in return. Then to top it off, the give the students loans (which have to be repaid with interest. That is an investment) to cover the tuition which is more money for the institution only passed onto the student. So they often have to take the best deal after completion, which today likely may mean overseas.
The effort of privatizing state education was successful. For the private investors, not for the public or the nation. Do you know in almost every country outside the US, state schools are considered far superior to private, which are often looked at as diploma mills, since if you pay you pass? Why are US state schools lesser than its private ones?
So yes, healthcare AND education are quite exportable..and exploitable.
Do you get this stuff off the TV?
Yes, healthcare is exportable, but not by the US. Only the wealthy can afford it. It is why medical tourism is becomming so popular. Take your money out of the US to buy medicine you cannot buy in it. Failure on the US part if it ever existed.
Education is exportable too. I pay 1/3 what I would in the US for a superior education.(most in the US never see what is going on elsewhere, the TV god tells them all they need) That money could be employing all kinds of professors and support services in the US. But the schools there cannot compete economically. While they claim they can academically, my experience doesn't support that. I can work in any system, not just the one I was trained in. Oh, the power went out! How am I supposed to work without an automated lab and CT scan?
I was reading a blog yesterday about US medical students who want less science that they find useless and more business education as part of the medical curriculum.
How very short sighted, "how can we make more money" instead of "how can we provide care people will pay more for."
Should the US keep its mindless emotional politics of the masses, it will marginalize itself further in the world.
I've studied this somewhere before... Oh Yea, Egypt, Rome, France, Britian, Spain, Greece, Persia, the list goes on.
Best of luck with wherever you keep getting your "information" from.