Your post is not very impressive and you seem to want to thrash solid educations and infection control awareness instead of providing useful information. Some of the information you have provided can actually be harmful. It is time EMS takes infection control seriously and this no joke. To make it out as one further demonstrates a need for education..
Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom.
- quoted in Mark Twain and I, Opie Read
I would also point out that sarcasm invokes emotion and stimulates the same CNS centers which causes people to remember things that involve profanity more than communication that doesn't.
I don't think it requires really more education, so much as the application of it.
Some people struggle to remember or perform even the simplest tasks, others make it look easy and effortless. I beleive the term used to describe it is being "educated beyond intelligence."
You have restated much of what I said like the controlled environment and separate scrubs...
Yes, it is called an anecdote.
But, you are out of touch with most infection control policies in place in the hosptials. If you want to work in a hospital or gain more information about it, you need to contact the infection control office for the latest literature and polices.
Funny that, but the hospitals (multiple) that I am at do not seem to think so. But I thought instead of working in a hospital, I would become a stand up comic or a movie star.
Which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Shakespeare:
"I am better than thou art now. I am a fool. Thou art nothing."
Really though, they make policies for people to follow without thinking. Guidlines for those without insight.
Infection control, like all safety, is a behavior modification. When something is truly mastered, it is done without effort or conscious thought.
The AMA and the University of Arizona are in the United States and those are excellent sources of information on the research done. Every country does research and can publish their findings. Maybe you just stumbled on one from Britain and the NHS.
The British one was credited as the first, it made news throughout the medical community when it was published. We give credit for the Helical structure of DNA to Watson and CricK as the first, we do not name those who later reproduced the observation.
you are obsessed with H2O2 as a disinfectant for everything.
An interesting choice of words.
It removes blood out of clothing quite well. It is used by medical manufacturers and servicers in a vaporized form to sterilize everything from endoscopy tubes to post offices thought contaminated with anthrax.
It is a fairly useful chemical.
I use water a lot too, but I wouldn't call it an obsession.
No you should not pour a mixture of H2O2, bleach and isopropanol on yourself to prevent infection. This is not 1980 and we have learned alot from HIV and AIDS. Please do not ever advise someone to do this. Definitely do NOT ever tell someone that putting bleach in their nares takes care of MRSA. What did you get such misinformed information?.
I treated a patient for a chemical burn on his genitalia after he admitted finding such information on the internet after he had an itching sensation after unprotected intercourse with a stranger.
Funny enough, I advised him never to do that again or take medical advice off the internet. My collegues and I still laugh about it.
If somebody suggested one pour toxic chemicals on their genitalia I don't think it would be taken seriously. But when it comes disguised with technical terms and as medcal advice, it smehow gains credibility.
I came up with the bleach analogy because most hospital disinfectants contain bleach and MRSA is a constant topic in the hospital.
Again, the ability to apply conceptual knowledge in jest is the mark of understanding. Not the ability to recite publications or policies from memory.
Education is key. I seriously hope no one takes infection control to be a joke as you seem to be doing. Some of the examples you have given are for the OR where there are also showers and cleaning stations. Ambulances do not have that luxury and will see many patients each shift in an uncontrolled environment.
I hoe they do take it as a jok and laugh at it. Because then they will remember it.
I can assure you, when 8 theatres of cardiac surgery let out within minutes of each other. Nobody fights for positioning in the 2 showers stalls.
They just change out of the scrubs and go to fight for positioning exiting the parking lot.
If you actually knew or plan to spend time in surgery, you would know that.