D.C. Officials Take Action Against Medics for Evading Calls

let them step aside for someone who actually wants the job...good ridence
Details please... way too little information in the article to know what to think.

"If the fire is too hot, get out of the kitchen"..... What a disgrace.........
Details please... way too little information in the article to know what to think.
From what I heard... they were parked in a "slow" part of town, outside of their station's first due, instead of being at their station, where SOP would have them post.

Because they were in a "slow" part of town, and the closest rig is dispatched to call, other units would cover their normal first-due, while they were sitting around for several hours, not running any calls.

One of the rigs in question is based out of the "10 house"... one of the busiest engine companies in the nation. From what it sounds, their ambulance is also very busy.

Another story on this: http://www.emsresponder.com/web/onl...ur-Firefighters-for-Avoiding-EMS-Calls/1$8006
Ok... more information in the second story. I get pretty cheesed off with people that don't do their share of the work. Personally, I have to ignore it and just focus on doing my work properly. If the stories are correct, then those EMTs deserve to be fired. Slackers are poor for morale and bring down the good workers.
Most would consider it an honor to work DC, and yet, these clowns were AWOL for almost 8 hours? Kick them off the Dept and revoke their EMS certs.