I would like to comment on;
THEY'RE SCREWED. if your in arrest and i have to carry you down the stairs to get out of the house
I went through a stage where i thought i could determine if the Pt. had a chance or not, and its a trap you don't want to fall into. After being lacsadasy on one code, pt. was revived at the hospital.
8 miles to scene + 2-4 min to get wheels moving, 21 miles to hospital.
No intercept in those days.
I give them all 150% if not more.
The longest breaks i have ever seen in CPR is on the intercept. Intubating.
I like to update the intercept unit prior to intercept on the need for an ET tube, as we use combi tubes and sometimes they are great and other times they are very hard to manage.
I had an ER Doc that didn't know what a PTL(Pharyngeo-tracheal Lumen) was and tugged it out and through it over his shoulder saying it obvious that thing is no good. That pt. went to ICU but never made it home.
I do prefer Combo's to Patel's.
Give it your best, treat every Pt. like they are your family. You WILL sleep better.
Sorry, with only about < 10% + outcomes, very few if any ever survive and less than that are functional.
You are right, only we work in that <10% survival rate area for the most part in the rural arena.