Cops shoot innocent homeowner, 911 call records cover up conversation

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I hate people who say things like "f*&^% the pigs!"

But come on now, there is a bad apple in every tree. But these apples have guns, and power. Nothing can defend them, when they screw up it makes every officer look bad, and it just brings in more of the "pigs" mentality. Cops bring their own demise.

Yes, the public should trust those who are there to protect them up until the point it's been proven they cannot be trusted.

That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? But when officers fly off the handle for the whole world to see, that concept is suddenly brutaly murdered. Face it, cops are constantly caught in the hardest jam, they have the weight of the authority and public opinion on their backs constantly.

Plus, there are a lot of a$$hole cops out there, don't deny it.
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It probably should be, it's not EMS related.
DING DING DING... We have a winner.

There is enough other drama around here right now. As much as I'd love to debate this - I don't think it would be fair, because it will likely end with folks failing to "be nice".

So we are just going to end this here and now.

DING DING DING... We have a winner.

There is enough other drama around here right now. As much as I'd love to debate this - I don't think it would be fair, because it will likely end with folks failing to "be nice".

So we are just going to end this here and now.

. that so? :lol:
Gee... forgot to actually lock the thread.

So now...
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