Yeah so the call was dispatched as chest pain (64Y/W/M approximately 80kgs) A/OX4 GCS=15. Pt had been experiencing this pain this since last night, thought it was indigestion (later admitted to SOB also). Pt had a near syncopal episode when we arrived (he was walking to the bed), we had him plop on our stretcher while he was up. Asked pertinent questions, NKA, gave 324mg ASA on scene, also x1 nitro (it's funny typing that with all the discussion about giving nitro after 12-lead and IV). 12- lead performed, shown above. Medic called cardiac alert on scene. O2 given. 2x18g initiated. BG check of 333mg/dL, 250cc fluid bolus given enroute. Pt afebrile. Nitro given x2 more. 4mg morphine. Pain scale as follows: 7/10, 4/10, 3/10, 0/10 throughout ride. And that is that...