Continuous fluid BVM ventilation


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well as the title suggests, I have a question, Regarding the constant outpouring of liquid such as vomitus or blood while attempting to administer a BVM.
Recovery position? Suctioning? OPA? Would you administer oxygen at 15? Higher or lower?
How do you clean off the mask after such a thing has happened? Would you exchange it immediately every time?

I'm checked off for this skill in clinicals so I would like some insight from veterans because I'm certain this has to happen from time to time

Techniques would be much appreciated after a PT requiring bagging looked as if he was going to throw up at any time. Wasnt distended, just very sick.
Got me worried:confused:, haha
Just suction out what you can and get back to it. If you have to ventilate your patient with a bag valve mask and they're vomiting, they're probably going to aspirate. However, the alternative is death… So there's that. When ALS arrives, they should place a definitive airway.
Thank you, that's as I suspected. The aspiration is what concerns me. Just wanted to see if there's any effective techniques anyone has developed, and it makes sense in my mind that an NPA would be extremely effective for my BLS capabilities at very least.

And I haven't had the chance to ask an instructor yet, as I have my next clinical before my next class