After working as an EMT for about 5 years, I left a very busy service on maternity leave and never went back. I was tired of dealing with the bad attitudes of those around me and felt I needed a break from it all. After my maternity leave was up, I started working for a pediatrician. While I liked the people I worked with, I hated the job. I was layed off when the office began having finanacial issues. I collected unemployment for 6 months. During that time, I also went back to school and received an AAS as a paralegal.
During the time I was in school, I made a phone call to an old partner who was now the operations manager at a local private service and went back to work part-time on the ambulance. I worked there for just under 2 years, eventually going full-time. I then went to work for the fire department I am currently with as a civilian EMT, up until this last week, when I started working as a medic.
I love my current job, and have no intentions of leaving anytime in the future. I am excited to be "starting over" with all the learning that comes with working in a new capacity as a medic. I like the autonimy that comes with caring for a patient in the back of my truck. I like not being stuck in an office all day long, or doing the exact same thing day in and day out. I enjoy doing patient care and learning something new from both my patients and my coworkers. My only regret is that I didn't "find" this field of work sooner, and spent over 10 years working at jobs I hated just to make ends meet.
Are there days that I would rather not pick up that frequent flier, or policy changes I don't like? Sure there are, but regardless of your chosen profession or place of employment there are always things you won't like or days where you feel "off" and would rather be doing something else. No job is 100% perfect. However, I can say that where I am at right now the negatives don't even begin to come close to the positives. I can't imagine working in any other profession.