Took it and failed it haha. By only a few percents, I passed everything but failed the written exam. Waste of my money and time, missed out on alot in life, job opportunities, occasions for great times in life within the 7 weeks. I had no life either with class, so much and studying all day and weekends. And in the end didn't pull through. I don't like the system where they call you out on questions and flame you for not answering it correctly and it gets worse and worse. I dont like how you can get kicked out so easily also, not showing up on certain days and your out, miss a day and you got to make up the time you missed with 15 bucs an hr? Its like a big time money eater and they make it so its easy to fail and spend more money. They don't hesitate to kick you out, it's a 40% fail rate, either way they keep the money if you fail, get dropped, or drop yourself.
Instructor wise, yes they know their stuff big time, knowledgeable but strict people, VERY strict, and they make you feel like crap when you don't know your stuff. A TOTALLY different experience from going to this school and or a normal community college school.
My advice to those who want to take it, take time off school, take time off work, study ALOT, review over and over and over and even when your free study even when you don't think you need too. Do that and I'm sure you will pass. DO alot of study groups also if possible.
My advice to others from personal experience, life is a long ways and time does fly by, I would rather take an 18 week course, take my time and pass it, when you really think about it there really is no rush especially if your young, dont push it there's no need too. You'll get to where you need to, with less of a head ache, and spending less money, really no difference and no point in rushing; well atleast for me, but I learned it the hard way. $750 ++ bucs later gone. It's also a 40% fail right in their classes fact.
Either way, I'm working a different job now that pays double what I'd do being an EMT and I actually like it, hours are better and no head aches. And competition is not as much since everybody and their friends wants to be a paramedic, you work so hard and you get in, once in, you don't make that much anyways. I went a business entrepreneurship route in life now and no regrets. More money more better.
Don't get me wrong, I always wanted to be an EMT B, so after saving up money for this new job im going back to a Community college and doing it.
PS. CIEMT is a great school, but is it worth the pressure and the time? That's on you.
Also! I heard the Hawthorne class is more easier than the signall hills one