Forum Ride Along
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On my First run ever we got a code 3 to a student down at the local college, I was stoked, we get on scene and the kid is out like a light (A&O x 1). When I checked his eyes one was unresponsive and the other was rollin around to its own drummer. First thing I think is oh crap he’s way overdosed on something or took a good whack to his grape. As we C-Spined his and loaded him in to the ambulance you could smell the Jack Daniels (very distinctive smell). In the ambulance my partner (Emt-P) started an IV and did all of his fancy ALS stuff. As he was doing this, the kid started movin' around and gettin' restless A&O x 2, he started looking like he was gagging so, being as green as I am, I opened his air way and looked for an airway obstruction that he could have swallowed. My partner, having been on the job awhile already knew what was happening next and had moved. The kid puked a mix of whiskey and what seemed to be about half a can of chew on my face and in my eyes. I know I know I could be blind but it was a good first run as any and defiantly the way to start a new career. When we got to hospital everyone laughed seeing the new guy covered from the chest up in jack and wades of chew.