Certified but not yet licensed

Unless you have a full BLS bag with O2, airway adjuncts, glucose, and activated charcoal... You are pretty much limited to providing first aid...

Not that I would suggest buying any of the above...

no no no, I'm not opening that can of worms :wacko:
So, I'm curious... if there is no background check required to gain certification, how do you get your clinicals done? Does the ER allow unchecked students access to patients?

Okay.. this is a hijack on the orignal thread so I'll repost it elsewhere.
Essentially, yes.
My class required backgrounds before you could even apply to do your clinical times at the ER and on the ambulances. Both the hospital and private company doing 911 in my area also required a complete orientation, background checks by the school, TB test (2-step), and Hep B before you stepped foot in patient care areas. My county EMSA requires a background on file before issuing a cert. I live in california.
In NH, if you come across an emergency, act according to your training until further help arrives. I think most states function like this...check your states Good Samaritan Law