Care Application?


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anybody have any info into how long it takes to process or hear back? As well as the hiring process. It said a week on their website, an I submitted mine last Monday. An so far have no word back im getting a little disheartened. This was for OC care.
How old are you? What certs do you have? From what I hear and experienced they rarely if ever hire EMTs under 21 years due to insurance.
anybody have any info into how long it takes to process or hear back? As well as the hiring process. It said a week on their website, an I submitted mine last Monday. An so far have no word back im getting a little disheartened. This was for OC care.
Give it time. School is going back in session so im sure they will open up.
The best part was no more than 5 minutes after this thread they sent me an email. Of course it was blank though an said nothing. Guess they must have seen the thread

But I'm 19, I have my first responder, emt x2 , an just got OCEMS today
Nope nothing. I looked at it initially on my phone, than a computer as well just blank. I went into my dashboard as well for their application website an had a blank message in there as well.