Cardiac Invasive Technologist


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Any Medics here (or anyone else for that matter) ever work as a cardiac tech in a cath lab (not jsut reading monitors)? I work in an ER as a tech but want to apply as a 'Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist' which is a seperate credential/exam. Has anyone transitioned into this field? Did you employer give you any on the job training or let you challenge the exam or did you have to complete the year long certification? Thanks for any input you guys can give.
I believe you generally now have to complete the training. The OJT option is being done away with in most medical career fields (both due to the need to advance the field and the liability inherent to the hospital with having informal students in the clinical setting) and this is likely going to be one of them.
not quite the same but one of the part timers here administers nuclear stress tests in a clinic full time. The field is pretty diverse if you look around