Can you guys give me some scenarios to help me study?


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I am about halfway through the course and I think I am getting most of it. But some of the people in class don't seem to be grasping the skill sheet part. Can you guys just give me some scenarios to write down so that we can go through them? All I need is a short narrative with vitals and I will make up anything that my fellow classmates ask me. If you could use real life examples from runs you have been on.

Thanks in advance.

P.S I would ask my instructor but we have been running her ragged and I don't want to strain her any more than I have to.
This would be more helpful for you and your classmates if you made them up for each other. Think about what general complaint you want to go with and what vital signs you would expect to see in that situation. Making them up for each other will let everyone benefit from the scenarios.

For a quick and simple example to get you started, let's go with a 25 YOF having difficulty breathing. Let's say she's in fairly significant distress from an acute asthma attack. What would you expect the HR to do? How about RR? BP? Lung sounds? How would you treat her at a BLS level?
These can be simple.

54 year old female with abdominal pain. NKDA. meds: metformin and Prilosec. Vitals: 86, resp 16, BP 148/74. Blood sugar 110.
Had nausea and vomiting for 1 day.

How's that?