Forum Crew Member
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I'll take the bike...anytime!
You only need one of those in your can climb over everything else!
We are a BLS-First Response bike team working special events such as the Twin Cities Marathon, City of Lakes Tri-Loppet and the Lifetime Fitness Triathalon, as well as MTB races. Three of our local EMS services have bikes, but they have to stay in their designated Primary Response Districts. As non-affiliated volunteers, we can cross those lines as needed.
We carry a AEDs, light trauma stuff, portable suction, BVM and, on urban (paved street) events, O2.
Twin Cities Marathon:
This woman staggered in front of me, and was insisting she was okay, but dropped out of the race at the next aid station.
The very best Bike Medic on-bike training (and yes, you do need it! Everyone thinks they know how to ride a bike until you throw 40 lbs of BLS/ALS gear on the back and try to manuver through 10,000 moving runners.) is the International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA). ( Even the oldest bike medic team in the country, Denver EMS' All Terrain Medical Unit, just put all of their riders through IPMBA EMS Cyclist certification.
Ride safe,
May as well go all out...

We are a BLS-First Response bike team working special events such as the Twin Cities Marathon, City of Lakes Tri-Loppet and the Lifetime Fitness Triathalon, as well as MTB races. Three of our local EMS services have bikes, but they have to stay in their designated Primary Response Districts. As non-affiliated volunteers, we can cross those lines as needed.
We carry a AEDs, light trauma stuff, portable suction, BVM and, on urban (paved street) events, O2.
Twin Cities Marathon:

This woman staggered in front of me, and was insisting she was okay, but dropped out of the race at the next aid station.
The very best Bike Medic on-bike training (and yes, you do need it! Everyone thinks they know how to ride a bike until you throw 40 lbs of BLS/ALS gear on the back and try to manuver through 10,000 moving runners.) is the International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA). ( Even the oldest bike medic team in the country, Denver EMS' All Terrain Medical Unit, just put all of their riders through IPMBA EMS Cyclist certification.
Ride safe,