Best way to endure terrible smells?

Master the fine art of not breathing. I don't recommend mouth breathing because you run the risk of tasting that foul odor.

Lol. I thought I was the only one who would rather entertain a fowl odor through his nose, rather than his mouth.

The majority of guy's I've worked with just push on, and power through any unpleasant odors.
"Air freshener" usually masks odors with powerful odor-releasing chemicals you choose the "flavor" of.

Manufacturers do not test these for safety as an inhalant. I have heard allergists say not to use particular products because they see reactions amongst their asthmatic patients.

Most have a propellant of some sort (CO2, isopropane, etc) which is not good to inhale, plus a volatile aromatic and usually some sort of solvent (alcohol usually) so it can be uniformly dispensed once shaken up*. Nothing good. Maybe chew a strong flavored gum while wearing a mask?

Just so we're clear, I'm not suggesting Febreeze or any sort of household aerosol product. This is what I'll spray on the outside of a mask:
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Anything that claims to be "organic" and "rejuvenate the air" and doesn't list its ingredients but doesn't suggest topical skin application isn't going over my face. Just picky that way.

We used to hang "harmless" "no pest strips" (plastic 4X10 strips impregnated with Dichlorvos insecticide, like a big cattle ear tag) in pt rooms to keep out flies etc. Soon the pts turned up with insecticide in their urine and blood. Gotta be careful.
Anything that claims to be "organic" and "rejuvenate the air" and doesn't list its ingredients but doesn't suggest topical skin application isn't going over my face. Just picky that way.

We used to hang "harmless" "no pest strips" (plastic 4X10 strips impregnated with Dichlorvos insecticide, like a big cattle ear tag) in pt rooms to keep out flies etc. Soon the pts turned up with insecticide in their urine and blood. Gotta be careful.

The ingredients are listed right there under the "details" tab:
Water, SD alcohol 40, polysorbate 20, triethylene glycol, fragrance, benzethonium chloride, tetrasodium EDTA, and FD&C colors.
The ingredients are listed right there under the "details" tab:
Water, SD alcohol 40, polysorbate 20, triethylene glycol, fragrance, benzethonium chloride, tetrasodium EDTA, and FD&C colors.

Oh, thanks!
Accounts point it out as a notably low-toxic disinfectant . Hm. Apparently Ozium has similar properties (the marijuana crowd juhsed to swear it had ozone and it's still touted as a dope deodorant).
Handheld Nebulizer with mouthwash or orange juice usually makes my nose pretty happy on the fouler smelling calls.
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Handheld Nebulizer with mouthwash or orange juice usually makes my nose pretty happy on the fouler smelling calls.

You walk into calls holding a nebulizer filled with OJ?
I woule never put vics under my nose. If I am in an area that smells horrible the last thing I want to do is have my nasal passages opened even more. I also would want to be able to smell for the rest of the week.
Ah, negative. Back of the rig only. And that's if your hands aren't tied up. Not an end all, just an option to make it bearable.