Becoming an EMT with no biology experience


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Hey there,

I've recently been looking into becoming an EMT(PCP) in Alberta, Canada. Only thing is I took chemistry all through high school, last time I was studying the human body was in grade 9 honours science, I'm 19 now turning 20 in June of 2018, is it worth it for me to take general biology and upgrade at my local college or just take the EMR course and hope they teach me enough before I have to do EMT training? Also is it worth it for me to work as an EMR(the 120 hour training one here) on the rigs before becoming an EMT? There's tons of entry level EMR jobs out here right now. I know I'll be able to learn about the human body, but if they assume we all know about it and don't bother to teach us I'll be kind of hooped when it comes down to things.
I am not sure for Canaan but I am an EMT student in the USA. To help with anatomy and physiology I also got an a&p flash card set as well as an a&p adult coloring book (dorky I know but works well too memorize). I world concentrate on a&p instead of biology

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Sorry Canada...stupid auto correct

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