Baker Act Turned Sour


Forum Probie
Before you begin reading this, you know most of the time the last call of a quiet day is ALWAYS going to be horrible or at least thats what it seems like to me.

This is a Tampa, FL based private BLS transport, my unit runs 911 calls and also recieves inter-facility straight from our dispatch not county EMD, it's rare but when it happens, it's mostly Baker acts coming from a private physician to the Mental Health Center in Downtown Tampa. Anyways, We arrive at the doctors office I walk in, introduce myself to a fairly normal, not so typical looking 38 y/o baker act pt. I take her baselines, everything was normal except she was hypertensive, BP was like 170/95. We get her in the back of the unit, of course i made the mistake of talking to my partner about how normal she looked before we got to the unit.... We begin driving and she starts demanding that the back windows face the sun, that she needs to see the sun. Meanwhile, I am just telling her to calm down and remain still. Then she starts yelling at us to "Turn this :censored::censored::censored::censored:er around" because we can't save the world by going towards the water. Fast forward through more of these type outbursts, we are going about 55 mph down a major highway, she only has the straps on the stretcher around her. She quickly pops the buckles open and lunges, I mean I swore she flew toward the back door and grabs the handle to open it, meanwhile the student that was on a ride along with us was sitting on the bench next to the pt grabs the now partially open door and pulls it shut while I grab her by the shoulders and pull her onto the stretcher. I yell to my partner to pull over, and we end up calling the PD and restrain her to the stretcher with cuffs. We continue on. The student by now is looking at me with this glare on his face as if he had just discovered this wasn't the right career for him. The pt had enough wiggle room with the cuffs that she placed her hand on his knee and I swore she was about to feel him up when i told her to please keep her hands to herself. Meanwhile she just keeps repeating, "lets all just chill out, we're as cool as ice, no need to speed there's no emergency." Luckily the student discovered to keep her calm he could just practice gathering vitals on her. About 20 minutes later we arrive at the Mental health center and get her inside. As the student and I are unstrapping the pt she starts trying to give him and I kisses. The highlight of my day was walking out of that place with the empty stretcher. Now I lock the rear doors every call.....


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Sounds like a typical psych call for me.

I ALWAYS get the psych patients that either want to kiss me or try to get off the stretcher to kill, and then eat me.

Most of my psychs travel in 4 points.


Community Leader Emeritus
In a profession where we never get tipped, that was a nice story!


Forum Lieutenant
Sounds like much fun was had by all those who participated that day. A very entertaining story indeed :)


Forum Probie
well, at least your student had a good story to take back to class with him :). I had a normal looking 15 year old boy try to bite me yesterday. You just never know I guess.