Coining, or cao gio (pronounced phonetically gow yaw), is an alternative form of medicine most commonly practiced in Southeast Asia. The practice of coining involves rubbing heated oil on the skin, most commonly the chest, back, or shoulders, and then vigorously rubbing a coin over the area in a linear fashion until a red mark is seen.
Coining is believed to allow a path by which a "bad wind" can be released from the body. This "wind" is believed to be the cause of the patient's illness. Advocates use this method to treat a variety of minor ailments including fever, chills, headache, colds, and cough.
There have been a handful of case reports describing complications from this treatment including burns, bruises, renal contusions, and brain hemorrhage.1,4,7 There have also been instances where parents who practice this treatment on their children have been accused of child abuse.5