Backboards are gone!

The vacuum mattress is a great option and is far superior in providing effective SMR than any other device currently in use. However most agencies are not willing to use them due to cost and durability issues.
My "system" is the largest combined EMS entity in Colorado. Every ambulance, engine company, rescue, anything that responds to medicals, has a Hartwell semi-disposable mattress. They work pretty well (have to lay them on a board to provide support and handles), but aside from that they take typical EMS fairly well. What's great is that along with them, the protocols were rewritten so we don't place SMR on every patient in a traffic accident. That's what saves them durability wise.

They are more comfortable than the backboard, reduce ulcers, and can be used in a variety of patient positions. What they don't have? Much in the way of evidence demonstrating benefit...
We dont even collar people in Low speed mva, falls under 3ft etc, even with cervical tenderness, neuro deficit , AMS.
Somebody explain this to me - why would you not place a c-collar on someone with demonstrated neuro deficits?