Vent, I think we are having a miscommunication.
You didn't address anything from my post.
I said;
You then said that you were right because there are lots of examples in law which prove so;
Please provide an example, substantiated by a medical authority if possible.
Then you explain to me how MOI is heavily researched, which I agree with.
I also agree that there are many devices for immobilization, and many professions which are concerned with the care of spinal injuries, or general back care as your list points out. So we are on the same page there I guess.
Now thank you for taking the time to research and post supporting material that will allow other people to better understand the issues we are all discussing in your link "google scholar".
It's obvious that you took the time, and gave my point of view some respect by listening to the lecture I posted. And didn't immediately assume that you know better off the top of your head than anything I could possibly post.
As that lecture is given by an expert in the field of spinal immobilization, and he is discussing some of the exact issues we are talking about it wouldn't make sense to ignore it. Unless you're sure you just know better than that physician of course.
I'll be sure to go to "google scholar" and read up on where you got the information that allowed you to form your opinions about all this.
But wait, it would seem that you didn't listen to the lecture I posted, and instead chose to ignore it, and reply only by stating you are right because law cases support you, and post an unrelated article about EMS spinal immobilization, then were sure to call in to question my experience. I get more into the other two below.
Danger at the Door
The point of this article is that EMS sometimes fails to immobilize PTs with spinal injuries, even though spinal immobilization was indicated. I agree, this article is true, I didn't realize that was the topic at hand.
And then of course you were sure to include these gems:
As you can tell, I must be lying about my experience and education, from here on out let's assume that I am a first responder student.
I have been a member, and frequent reader of this board since 2006, and have posted 58 times, the reason for that is exemplified in your response to my posts.