so atp isn't "stored", glycogen is stored, atp is constantly made and used. atp is made in the mitochondria but where is most of it located in the cell?(in the cytoplasm, mitochochondria or some other part of the cell?)?
Its hard to say exactly where ATP is located, because it usually moves around to wherever it is needed. For example, if you were lifting a heavy weight; as soon as the ATP is made, it is destined for the muscle fibers that are generating the force. ATP doesn't sit around.
One thing about mitochondria however, is that it is where the vast majority of our ATP is produced, especially during low- moderate intensity activity.
ATP is constantly made and used, thats right. ATP isn't stored. After ATP made from the mitochondria (or wherever else it can be made), it usually travels to a part of the cell where it is immediately used by some kind of protein, or in some process, such as a proton pump.
ATP is constantly made at a "baseline" or standard rate, to allow the body do things necessary to sustain life (IE, heart beating or operating a proton pump). When more ATP is needed, such as during exercise, various hormones help shuttle more ingredients to the mitochondria, and the mitochondria begin to produce more ATP.
Also, ATP isn't always made in the mitochondria, it can be made anywhere in the cell, so long as the enzymes and proteins that break down energy sources (IE glucose, phosphocreatine) are present. however, the mitochondria is the most efficient at creating ATP. Typically one molecule of glucose if broken down in the mitochondria yields 16x (not sure about the exact number) more ATP than it would if the glucose was broken down by enzymes alone, outside of the mitochondria.