Make sure the DI doesn't know your name.
No matter how smart or able you are, be anonymous.
Great sage advice here :rofl:
Was in your shoes not too long ago now, but as a EMT-B (just recently got my P). Jackson for basic is not too bad, compared to the other BCT locations. It really depends where they send you once they cycle yall through reception. Reception is terrible - worse couple days of your life because everything is so slow.
Be prepared to deal with 95% of the people you come into contact with as morons, not that is really different than from street EMS lol but like Veneficus said - do what you need to dont but don't "oversell" yourself or under for that matter. If they see leadership potential, guess who will be in charge. Pro's and con's for that, but in BCT, mostly cons - because you will have people in your platoon who just screw it up for everyone and you'll be "held" responsible, aka getting smoked. Your choice, but I just remained in the shadows. When I graduated, my DI's asked "Who are you?" lol
BCT is not bad at all man - for me, it was just annoying to deal with all the retards fresh out of the minivan who think they're SF or something from playing call of duty. When you're there, you may hate it. I loved and hated it. Looking back, probably other than the 4-man team I work on now, they were some of the closest times I had with some pretty cool dudes.
AIT in San Antonio - well, especially since you're a P already, prepare to learn absolutely nothing other than tourniquet this and tourniquet that. I was still a EMT-B when I fast-tracked through to the Whiskey portion, hoping to learn so new awesome trauma skills. Not exactly - pretty much just rapid-trauma assess, IV, give fluids always wide-open, etc. They teach and push a lot of people who should never make patient contact ever through that place - they teach skills but rarely teach why you're doing something. Only meds you're going to "push": narcan and morphine and fentanyl lollipops.
San Antonio is fun, but it gets old fast. Take the time to rent a car and go to Dallas or Austin, preferable Austin. Great city, and by that time, you'll be sick of seeing every dude with a military haircut and just want to see "normal" people again bro lol
For those of us who had prior EMS experience (in my class, about 12 EMT-B and P's combined), it was kinda boring and still annoying to deal with retards who think since they passed BCT, they are Rambo or SEAL Team 6 or some crap. But have fun, enjoy the ride, and it'll be over before you know it. They'll try to recruit you, especially since you're a P, into maybe flight medic or some special ops gig (I took the later). Both are great follow-on ASI and can get some great training (before we were sent to P school, we did veterinary training, dentistry, and preventive medicine).
Good luck, relax, and pack light - they're going to lock it away after reception at Jackson. Bring a cell phone because you'll have that in reception, and depending what battalion and platoon you're in, you may get it on the weekends. Our sister platoon got 45 mins every sunday after week 3. We got 3.5 mins for 2.5 months lol just depends. Just be prepared to deal with a lot of BS and just take one day at a time brotha - it's not bad, just can be boring and annoying at times. You're dealing with Big Army which LOVES the hurry up and wait aspect and not using common sense haha