Are you proud?


Forum Crew Member
i was wondering are any emt or paramedics proud to be an emt or a paramedic? are u proud of the job you have done over the years or over the months you have been in your company or station :) feel free to reply ^_^

FF-EMT Diver

Forum Captain
Not as in a better than you sort of proud.

But I am VERY proud to come to my job with a caring professional attitude and be trusted to care for someone's loved one at a time when they need medical attention the most.


Forum Lieutenant
I take pride in what I do to a modest extent, but I also know that our industry is very young and has different impressions on different people.

I like the idea that among most of my peers, they respect my career choice, but I like to believe its just one of the things about me that they respect, and not the only reason.


Fire Truck Driver
I absolutely love being a paramedic, it's the first job I've had that makes me feel like sometimes I can make a difference, not often, but sometimes, it's not even the saving lives or that BS, but when your patient grabs your hand and says "thank you for helping me" or family does something like that, it makes me, at least for a bit forget that I barely make enough to stay afloat and have to deal with the amount of nonsense that we do.


Forum Ride Along
While I tend to think this life is essentially meaningless in some cosmic sense, this doesn't in any way change the fact that we have emotions and so we can feel sad, happy, etc. So in a sense I feel like I can give my life purpose by doing something that makes another person's life a little bit better.

EMS is directly responsible for extending both my mother's and father's lives. If it weren't for those EMTs, I wouldn't have had these wonderful years with my parents and hopefully more to come.

I am doing this job so maybe I can return to the favor. I'm not really proud to be an EMT so much as I am humbled and grateful.

Not many people get to affect people the way we do, and that's something to be thankful for.

We may not drive the fanciest cars or sport the most expensive clothes. But when in you're in your moment of need, you can bet your life (literally) that we'll be there to help.
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Medic One

Forum Lieutenant
I'm proud that my back and mental status is intact after 20years of service. I am humble I guess with what I do.
I don't have any identifiers on my car that I am a paramedic, I rarely where EMS/Fire shifts off duty, and don't have thinks around my home proving to other what I do.
I guess I try to live my life as a regular Joe out of the spotlight.


Still crazy but elsewhere
EMS is like making sand castles.

I've done some good things, I'm most proud when I was able to positively affect a coworker organization or process.

I kept a single mom from being arrested one night. That was a good one.