Apply to FDNY EMS by phone?!!?!?

Michael Iacono

Forum Crew Member
Reaction score
Can i still do this?

Or is it by DCAS test only now???
Typical ignorant internet comment ..

Uh..because im not certified yet and i didnt wanna bother them. Did that enough when i went for NYPD.
Seriously? You didn't want to bother them? So you would rather bother a group of people that likely don't have your answer? How would you know if the answer you got on here was even accurate?

"Hi, I have a quick question. I'm not currently certified, but I'm interested in applying to FDNY EMS. Are phone applications still accepted, or is it by DCAS only? Ok, thanks!"

It will take you all of 3 minutes to call. You're welcome for the template.
Typical ignorant internet comment ..

Uh..because im not certified yet and i didnt wanna bother them. Did that enough when i went for NYPD.

That's recruitings job. There is a difference between asking a question and being annoying.

Typical internet question. Going through the time to register for an account, asking the question, waiting for a potentially inaccurate awnser and then justifying yourself.

All the while you could have had an awnser from the source. So uh, grow up and call the people's job it is to answer your questions.