Anyone work for American Ambulace (Fresno CA)

terrible one

Always wandering
Reaction score
Curious if anyone here works for them in central ca? And what your experiences are with them. Thanks
Not firsthand, I have a buddy who works there, really likes it, says good protocols, decent pay, mostly BLS Fire, only odd thing is he said they actually have a year probationary period, little different for private EMS
Wow that's intense. I've heard some good things too, any idea how they are scheduled?
IIRC, its a mixture of 12s and 24s with the majority 12s, but I might be wrong.
American Ambulance has a 1 year probation for employees and if you get a pay raise, promotion or transfer to another department you are put back on probation (Employee manual). Fresno County has an over abundance of EMT's so American Ambulance has a huge pool to pull from. Yes pay and benefits are good for the economic area, for this reason you are disposable or when a contract violation occurs the employees are held accountable even though they are not always at fault.