Anyone used a SALT Airway on a real patient?

Recently attended the conference in Atlanta and asked the rep a question that no one seems to be asking on here. If you look at the use, mostly seen in manikins, there is no way to stop it from "drifting" to far into the anterior pharyngeal airway. They stated they were working on this currently. It seems like a great device for tight situations. There is also a new LMA type device out that allows a tube to be passed after its placement.
I think the thing to remember here is that the SALT is just a tool. The standard for airway management is direct visualization of the trachea, typically by using a laryngoscope.

All other methods, while they may be effective, are generally not the preferred method.
Where can I take a look at this thing?
Care to site your source of information on this? I have to throw out the BS card on this one as there are thousands of EMT-1s in CA (there are no Basics) and there are very few EMT-2s (only 2 counties that I know have protocols for I's).

Agreed I am with you..last i heard they were upping EMT-1 and yes NorCal EMS has 8-10 EMT IIs so all North cali from I believe Chico to OR border and coast can run EMT IIs. I know shasta county,siskiyou,trinity, not sure about others I think Lassen as well?

Anyway back to point. No Nor Cal just removed tubes well our county did..anyway from Basics. Agree with MrConspiricy about EMTs not having sufficent training or knowledge about em to do it.