anyone else get the new iphone 4?

DANG FLORIDA!! you got me on the fence now.

sounds SO much like circumferential improvement over the iphone 4.

Anyone else testify to this?

Yes, go here and read up on it

You'll find all kinds of the good and bad about them. More good than bad. Ive had mine since launch day (June 4th) and ive had absolutely ZERO problem with it.
because the iphone is amazing..i love mine..

I think i saw you in a youtube video actually.

I <3 my Nexus One.
Paramedic Protocol Provider

I am interested in this app. Has anyone here tried it? If so, please help me answer the following questions about it before I pay $11.

1. Are you able to put in custom protocols, ER door codes, etc?
theres a place for notes
2. Does it utilize a central server?

3. If yes on 2, does it store a local copy of the protocols in case the server
goes down?
im not sure about the server, but it does save a locoal copy on the phone

4. Would I have the ability to add a link to med calc in my protocols, example
BURNS > 20% Surface Area
Click Here for Parkland Formula Calculator & Rule of 9s table

One guy said they implemented this at their flight service and put an iPod touch on every chopper, which I assume connected to a mobile hotspot with
subscribed service. I have been trying to get in touch with him about this solution.

I have both the iPad and the iPhone4, this would be a life saver. Btw, to the person above who recommended EMS Tracker, it is great! I used it just the other day. You can imagine the stunned nurses when they saw everything documented to the second in the narratives. :)

i really, like it, the other day we had a call that i had to look up something in the protocols and there was alot of commotion going on. instead of lugging the big book o' protocols and thumbing thru pages, i just did a quick search on the app and it popped right up :)

The iphone 4 was obsolete before it was even released.

I have an HTC EVO 4G on sprint, and it makes the iphone 4 look like a doorstop.

I have an 8mg camera, AND an 1.3 forward facing camera. -its a camera phone. so not a deal breaker.
I can do video messaging via wif, or 3G, (or 4G for that matter)-video chat over 3/4G is cool.

The phone will record video in Hi Def, AND has an HDMI output for viewing.

The phone has a 4G chipset for internet speeds that make CABLE INTERNET look slow (10mbps download and 4mbps upload)

It runs android OS which is open source, and is very easy to customize

The phone has an FM reciever, so I can even listen to fm radio.i hate the radio. pandora > fm radio haha

it has a 1 Ghz processor and 512 of RAM (more than some computers)
a computer from 1999?
Bluetooth, GPS, & wifi enabled (even -N wifi)

4.3 inch screen that is touchscreen.

has a kickstand to be able to set your phone down and watch video

android OS has many of the same apps that the apple store does, and most of them are free! their app store is growing , but they stil lack some key apps, at least on the medical side...(for me)

It also seamlessly integrates with my google accounts, so all of my internet searches made from my computer pop up on my phone, all of my contacts are backed up with triple redundancy.(iphone can do that)

I also have chrome to phone, with the click of a mouse i can send a phone number, webpage, or email to my phone in seconds.oooh :)

The EVO is far more functional than the iphone AND it does multitasking without so much as a hiccup! they both have their strengths..and the multitasking is very smooth on ip4

oh and did I mention its 199.99? Isnt that the same price as the iphone 4?

You can actually REMOVE the battery from the EVO. i cant tell u the last time i actually removed the battery from a phone

Memory is upgradable to 32 gigs as of right now, which future support for more. the phone comes with an 8 gig microSD card, and its easy to remove.

The newest version of the Android OS (2.2 aka froyo) supports flash 10.1 and will allow you to view any webpage as you do on your computer, including showing and viewing embedded video. Does the iphone 4 do that? flash isnt that important to me

with all of this...why would you even want to bother with an iphone?
they are both great phones and both have their respective strengths. i was considering that evo4g & the ip4 before i got the iphone4, the iphone just works for me and does what i need it to :) glad you are happy with ur phone choice :)
Samsung Intercept here, I'm not cool enough to have AT&T :rolleyes:
Oh yeah.. sprint... cheaper than At&T also... forgot to mention that. Sprint has a 69.99 a month plan (less the 15% public safety discount) that has 450 minutes a month, unlimited text, picture messaging, and internet. They also have any mobile any time, which is where you get unlimited minutes to ANY cell phone, on ANY network, at ANY time... so you only use your minute pool when you call a landline phone.

Ive had this plan for about a year, and ive talked all I want.. and never used more than 200 minutes a month.

Or, you can get unlimited everything (yes, everything.. cell, text, internet etc) for 99 bucks a month.

Both of these plans are cheaper than AT&T. They also have better coverage than AT&T AND 4G internet.