Anybody know of a medic opening?


Forum Crew Member
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I'm a new grad currently looking for a paramedic job and was hoping someone could turn me on to a small company where I won't have to compete for a job against dozens or hundreds of other applicants. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Pretty much anywhere you go you're going to be competing with a lot of applicants. The job market is over-saturated with EMTs and Paramedics.

Where are you located? Where are you looking to work? 911 or IFT? I'm assuming you're looking for single roll EMS since you said "small company" rather than FD or third-service EMS agency. There's lots of people on him that are willing to help you and point you in the right direction but we can't do that without knowing what areas in the nation you're looking at.

One piece of advice that's given here a lot and I've been given personally is don't choose where you live because of a job, choose where you want to live then look for a job that will work with that choice. You'll never last in a job if you're living somewhere you can't stand, no matter how much you like your job.
I currently live in California in Sonoma county (northern bay area). And I would obviously like to find a job around here but there aren't many to choose from and its a very competitive market around here so I am fully prepared to move somewhere to get a job and gain some experience so that one day I can get a job where I want. And although I do love where I live and my family is here I am not at all opposed to getting out of this state and its economic downfall.