Any way to hide age when applying?

Huh, wow. I would move on to the next company. I don't have anything illegal in there but they may not appreciate some of my Burning Man pics and other stuff.

By the way it is Miss ChanelCinq. Chanel Cinq is Chanel #5 in French. I don't think many guys would have a perfume as their handle. :-)

Apologies for the gender confusion. But now we know.

As far your response to the substance of my post goes, I was just pointing out that you might not have considered all the possibilities when you wrote "I would never refuse to provide something they ask for...."
Apologies for the gender confusion. But now we know.

As far your response to the substance of my post goes, I was just pointing out that you might not have considered all the possibilities when you wrote "I would never refuse to provide something they ask for...."

Yeah but a company asking for a password to one of my accounts is a bit absurd. It may happen but it is not a company I would want to work for.
Yeah but a company asking for a password to one of my accounts is a bit absurd. It may happen but it is not a company I would want to work for.

It's not the uncommon.
Nobody is forcing you to work for that company.
"Mr. ChanelCinq, we think you will be an excellent fit here at Cabulance EMS but before we can hire you we're going to need the usernames and passwords to your social media accounts so that we can assure ourselves that there are no skeletons in your on-line closet."

It happens. What will you do?

ILEAGAL in Cali, Illinois and Maryland to even ask for those accounts or passwords-Mine is not even in my own name to protect other family members-certainly, so no one would find it if they even looked, plenty of people not on social media-I don't use twitter, or instagram or any other common social media sites, just facebook- won't give mine up nor are they even legally allowed to ask. (I am in Cali) :glare:
While it may be illegal, I believe employers such as FDs and PDs, can simply ask you to log in and go through your social media sites while they watch.